The Official Goody's Dash Series SuperPatch Download site

| NASCAR 2 Cars | NASCAR 1999 Edition Cars |

1998, 1999 Cars! (NASCAR 2)

Number Driver Sponsor Painter
1998 set of 39 (NO player car) Various Various CyberBob&Son and Tony Stevens
7 Gary Moore Five Bros. Asphalt CyberBob&Son
9 Ned Combs Handy Pantry Tony Stevens
21 Christian Elder Great Clips Tony Stevens
33 Chris Hall Respironics Tony Stevens
52 Darryl Murray Lancaster Speedway CyberBob&Son
71 BJ Mackey Armor Electric Tony Stevens
72 Charles Powell III Summer's Roofing/Pride Health Equip. Tony Stevens
87 Charlie Smith Import Auto Recycling Tony Stevens


1999 Cars (NASCAR 1999)

Number Driver Sponsor Painter
1999 ALPHA set (NO player car) Various 1999 Drivers Various CyberBob&Son and Tony Stevens
1999 COMPLETE (to the best of our resources) Goody's Dash carset. (NO t_player.trk file)
Various 1999 Dash competitors Various CyberBob&Son, Tony Stevens, Aaron Markham, and some templates by T-Jay Harris.

Special Thanks go to... Bryant-Granelli Motorsports, Barb Saunders, Goody's, CC Motorsports, Zach Brewer, DGN Racing and Donnie Neuenberger, Robert Huffman Racing, and countless others for their help in completing this project.

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