The Official Goody's Dash Series SuperPatch Download site


January 31st: Posted the V6 Engine sound for the Dash Series for NR1999 and NASCAR2. A NASCAR 3 GDS patch is in consideration, however, it might be negated to only a carset. Time will tell.
December 21st: Posted the new NASCAR Goody's Dash Series Discussion Center (message board). Please use appropriately, as any misuse will result in user banishment and/or deletion of the board. Also, some 1999 cars from later in the season should be on the way now that Christmas break is finally here!
November 2nd: Posted Coastal Plains Speedway
October 26th: Posted Lanier National Speedway
October 21st: Updated and revised the poll on the main page with a new one for 2000.
October 18th: FIXED the BETA version of St. Augustine Speedway on the Tracks Page. There was a problem of "floating cars" around the track. We think we have fixed that problem.
October 16th: Added the BETA version of St. Augustine Speedway to the Tracks Page.

October 15th:

FINALLY! The 1999 Goody's Dash carset has been posted. Not everyone is included (like drivers who run 2 or 3 races only), however, we have done our best and came up with approximately 55 cars or so. If you are part of a team and have pictures of your car available, we will paint an update to the set. Saint Augustine Speedway, as I know you're tired of hearing, should be posted this weekend. We have some 3do work to do, and then a beta copy of it should be ready for public use. Also, our prayers go out to the victims of the flooding on the East Coast of the United States.
September 5th: WOW! Been a while. Vacation was fun, however, time to get back to work. The full 99 carset is about finished, minus driver photos. A couple of cars are far from perfect, but are placeholders until we can get an accurate depiction of them. Also, add an install and a few graphical changes, and St. Augustine should be ready to roll, as well as Lanier Speedway, and - if we have the patience/skill, Concord Motor Speedway. Then it's time to Christmas shop <g>.
July 18th:

Been a while since the last update, but the next couple will be worth it. We posted Summerville Speedway this time, and the BETA 1999 carset, as well as St. Augustine Speedway are soon to come! So check back regularly for updates!

May 5: Added the ALPHA 1999 carset. Some, ok, lots of things need added or maybe updated, but here it is for all of you wanting it. I'm waiting on pics from Barb Saunders and a media guide to do the driver info with. That should be about end of this month getting done. Also, will upload the NASCAR 2 version soon as well.
February 27: Added more new tracks - Day Langley and Caraway Speedway. 1999 cars are coming along fine - should be out by Hickory (I'd hope!)
February 13: Added some new tracks (Greenville-Pickens, Night Langley, and Southern National) and almost done with some 1999 cars. Still have a ton on both fields to do. Why does silly season have to be SO complicated? LOL

January 25:

Added the News Section.
January 24: The NR1999 Version of the GDS SUPERPATCH IS AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD!!! It's still under the patch page. Just a slight reformation of the layout there though. It's an executable file, and is about 7.95mb. So allow ample time, and read the install directions carefully.
January 1: Added the championship poll. The NR1999 version of the GDS patch should be released soon. Look for it within a couple of weeks - max! It'll run on the CTS engine, so it's gonna be more realistic.
December 18: Added the 1999 Goody's Dash Series Calendar -- the first to have it on the net! Also added a Guestbook and have also received word of some major "promotion" for the site and the Patch in the Dash garage and community. Thanks to that person. He knows who he is :)
December 17: Updated some of the cars in the carset and posted them seperately. Their strengths and ratings were off in one way or the other. Also have received news that the patch will be getting coverage in Ned's (Combs) newsletter that's being sent out soon. Now that, in our eyes, is an accomplishment! Not to mention an honor. Also, the NASCAR 1999 Edition version of the patch should be released after Christmas, probably in January. So soon both n2-engine-based sims will be able to race the Dash Series! Hopefully Greenville-Pickens will see work soon as well. St. Augustine too. Christmas and trying to put together a real Dash deal takes its toll. ;)
December 11:

I updated the Q&A section. From now on I will update it without making a notice of it unless something has been uploaded with it, so be sure to check back regularly to see what things have been said. :)

December 10: Fixed the download problem with the regular version of the Patch. Apparently folks were getting an "invalid zip file" message and the size wasn't being displayed correctly on the DL window. If it hasn't been fixed yet, it must be the machine you are running because it works fine when it's uploaded. Anyway...go DL it on the Patch page! Also posted the entire 1998 carset as of now, since about 5 of them did not make it into the installs somehow.
December 9: The Patch is here!! Go DL it on the Patch page!
December 5: Some cockpits are here if you don't like the one included in the game. USA Speedway and Orange County Speedway have also been posted on the tracks page.
December 4: We've got a "deal" struck up with Ned and Robbie Combs out of North Carolina, a competitive Dash team themselves, to do a question/answer feature on the site here. So if you have ANY type of GDS questions, I'm sure they'd be glad to answer them. Please see the Ask the Pros Page for further details. Hope y'all enjoy it!
December 3: We set the site up. The patch should be coming soon!!

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