Thanks to every individual person passed by this place,
either liked it or not,
..to all who supported me
through the construction process,
people who shared their ideas,
signed my guestbook..sent e-mails..contributed by any way...
you guys gave me a huge goal to achieve,
that is to publish the circassian culture,
make it accessible for anybody, anytime, anywhere..
Although the site started with very limited resources..
I think I was able to add -as I could-
some little bits that I hope were useful.
A year from the age of "Adigha Online" passed,
with 3400+ hits and a visiting rate doubling constantly, now its the 2nd year, more of your hits & support (10000+ hits). Together we are going to make it! & my dream is to make this place more useful & fun to surf.
Happy Birthday!
Janti M. Pshegubj.
Second Anniversary of "Adigha Online"