The Racer's Ring This Racer's Ring site owned by

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Want to join the ring?

Welcome to the Racer's Ring. Everyone is welcome to join, but I do ask that your site have something to do with racing and or cars.
Current members will find several usefull links at the bottom of this page.
Those looking to join can simply fill out the form below to and you will recieve the HTML fragment to add to your page. If you do not put the ring on your main page, please put it on a Webring page that has easy access from your main page. Listing a webring in an unusual location tends to break the ring. Thank You.

Submit your site

Site Title:
Site URL:
Your Name:

Please choose a password. ( Don't forget it!! )
Keywords: Enter up to 20 keywords to describe your site.
Description: Enter a short description of your site.
Remember to save the Image on the ring above before you submit your site.
You will need to upload it to your site directory
for the image to appear on the ring.

Email me with any questions.

Member Area

View the index pages ( there are several now! ) to see all the sites that are currently in the ring.
Queue For members still in the queue, here is your index page. Don't forget to email me when your fragment is posted.
Edit Edit your site information, or use the form below.
Email me Let me know of any other information that you need, but is not included here!

To edit your information, enter your site ID# and password below:

Site ID:

The following is a SAMPLE of the HTML Fragment. If you copy this code, be sure to change the SITE-ID from 1 to your ID and the EMAIL and NAME to your's. Remember your personalized code will be sent to you, and it is also available if you enter your ID and Password above.

<CENTER> <P> <TABLE border=3 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 WIDTH="500" BGCOLOR="#000000"> <TR><TD ALIGN="CENTER"> <A HREF="/~barbwyr/webring.html"> <IMG SRC="rrbanner1.gif" WIDTH="200" HEIGHT="155" BORDER="0" alt="The Racer's Ring" ALIGN="CENTER"></A> </TD><TD ALIGN="CENTER"> <FONT SIZE="+1"> This <a href="/~barbwyr/webring.html">Racer's Ring</a> site owned by <br> <a href="">Barbwyr</a>. </FONT> <FONT SIZE="-1"> <br><br> [ <a href=";id=1;prev5">Previous 5 Sites</a> | <a href=";id=1;sprev">Skip Previous</a> | <a href=";id=1;prev">Previous</a> | <a href=";id=1;next">Next</a> ] <br><br> [ <a href=";id=1;skip">Skip Next</a> | <a href=";id=1;next5">Next 5 Sites</a> | <a href=";random">Random Site</a> | <a href=";list">List Sites</a> ] <br><br> Want to <a href="/MotorCity/Speedway/8186/racerring.html"><B><I>join</B></I></a> the ring? </FONT> </table> </center>