1998 Marks The 25th Anniversary
      of Operation Homecoming!

      "We survived by faith, courage, and our devotion to duty, and on very rare occasions our sense of humor." Colonel Benjamin H. Purcell, the Army's most senior prisioner of war in Vietnam.


      BAGLEY, Bobby R. - 16 Sep 1967 (shot down) - USAF
      Cumming, Ga.
      Released by DRV 03/14/1973
      Deceased 12/05/1997
      Bobby Bagby retired from the USAF as a Colonel. He lived in S.C. until his death from cancer. He was buried at Arlington National Cemetery.

      CRAYTON, Render - 7 Feb 1966 - USN
      LaGrange, Ga.
      Released by DRV injured 02/1/1973
      Retired from USN as a Captain. He resides in California. (1998)

      CROWE, Winfred D. - 17 Jul 1968 - Cambodia - Army
      Buford, Ga.
      Released 12/08/1968
      Retired CSM, resides in Georgia. (1998)

      DAUGHERTY, Lenard E. - 11 May 1969 - Army
      The Rock, Ga.
      Released 03/27/1973.
      Resides in Georgia. (1998)

      ELLIS Jr., Leon F. - 7 Nov 1967 (shot down) - USAF
      Commerce, Ga.
      Released 03/14/1973.
      Retired from USAF as a Colonel. Resides in Georgia. (1998)

      EVERETT, David A. - 27 Aug 1972 - USN
      Brunswick, Ga.
      Released 03/29/1973
      Resides in Virginia. (1998)

      HICKERSON, James M. - 22 Dec 1967 - USN
      Atlanta, Ga.
      Released 03/14/1973
      Retired from USN as a Captain. Resides in California. (1998)

      MARTIN, Edward H. - 9 Jul 1967 (shot down) - USN
      Savannah, Ga.
      Released 03/04/1973
      Retired from USN as a Vice Admiral. Resides in California. (1998)

      MCCULLOUGH, Ralph - 17 Jul 1968 - Army
      Columbus, Ga.
      Released 12/19/1968
      Alive (1998)

      PARROTT, Thomas - 12 Aug 1967 (shot down) Cambodia - USAF
      Dalton, Ga.
      Released 03/14/1973
      Deceased 10/16/1998
      Resided in Georgia until his death. Tom suffered for many years with kidney complications (result of captivity) & under went a transplant before his death.

      PURCELL, Benjamin H. - 8 Feb 1968 - Army
      Columbus, Ga.
      Released 03/27/1973
      Colonel Purcell was the Army's most senior prisoner of war in Vietnam. Retired, resides in Georgia. (1998)

      SWINDLE III, Orson G. - 11 Nov 1966 (shot down) - USMC
      Atlanta, Ga.
      Released 03/04/1973
      Retired, resides in Hawaii. (1998)

      WADDELL, Dewey W. - 5 Jul 1967 (shot down) - USAF
      Bremen, Ga.
      Released 03/04/1973
      Retired, resides in Georgia. (1998)

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