The First Trip

Halloween in Athens, Ohio
30th/31st October 1998

Right outside MS' Athens apartment
Halloween Squad!
L-R: Arvind, MS (standing behind Arvind), Sriram (kneeling), myself (blue cap), Gotya over my shoulder, Parag (Binghamton) center (blue jacket), rest of the Athens guys with Prashant (Binghamton) in the foreground at the right.
Snap taken right outside MS' apartment.

Big Ten Conference ?... Well, almost!
L-R: Sriram, Arvind, myself, MS, with Gotya in the fground
Everyone (except gotya) is in his own Univ sweatshirt..

At the Entrance to Ohio Univs' Stocker Center Engineering Building

In MS' apartment complex, when we were leaving to see his univ 31st morning.. saw a couple of guys playing cricket right before this snap.

The Contrasting Colors of Fall
Someone spotted the red tree from the road, and we made a big detour to get to this place just for this snap. (actually even wanted the car to be in the snap, its in the background somewhere..) the best snap of the lot!

Downtown Athens
Lone Ranger bearing the PennState Colors


 Yup, they do play pool!
(but nope... Gotya did NOT hole it!)

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