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The Small but Fun...


This gun was designed by my 11-year old brother David. He wanted a gun to shoot grapes and potato plugs. At first, we thought it would work easily. But that didn't happen. The chamber is only 6" long out of 3/4" PVC, and have come to a conclusion that it didn't provide enough oxygen for the propellant to do its thing. But just spraying in enough hair spray and blowing into it gave it enough to work.

I think that this gun is just an experiment and provides the theory that a small chamber won't work sometimes. If you want to make this gun, add about 6" or more to the measurement for the chamber. I haven't tried it, so I can't say if it will work or not. If it doesn't, cut the chamber in half, buy two couplings, and put some more pipe on the gun. Here's the parts needed:


And that's it! Real basic and easy to make. This, I think was the cheapest gun my brother and I have (about 4 to 5 bucks not including the ignitor, and you get 10 feet of pipe!).

To load: Ram a potato, grape, or whatever ammo onto the muzzel of the gun. Push it down the barrel with a small dowel to the mark whatever your barrel length is minus 1-1/2". Look into the chamber to make sure the plug didn't fall into the chamber. Shoot a very small amount of propellant (a split second is all you need) into the chamber. Then blow air into the chamber for a second, then cap.

To fire: Hold the gun where you want it to go, and push the button. The plug can travel upto 100 feet or so. A trick to try is shoot into an empty soda can on the floor in pitch black. The whole gun lights up! To clean, put the gun in the sink and spray hot water through it for 20 seconds. This is a good gun to shoot inside at parties for fun.


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Created 1997-98, Mike Gagnon "Spud Man"

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