Welcome to the HOG Chapter Ecuador Website

The aim is to give some information to the world and, more practically, to the bikers resident in Ecuador about the active motorcycle life here, in Ecuador.
Mainly, being a brand new member of the HOG (click here for explanations) my interests, and focus, are for the beautiful Harley-Davidson Motorcycles. (Visit the official website)

Feel free to wander around and please don't hesitate to make part of your suggestions mailing me

To get your way through this site, click on the links left. They will take you to the different parts constituting the site.

Home This is your current location
What is HOG? A short explanation about the HOG, the good things about it and more
Members Presentation of the members of the HOG Chapter Ecuador and their shining machines
Activities Here you can have an idea of what we are organizing here in Ecuador
You can have a full story of past trips as well as info about future trips.
If you wish, and we would appreciate it, you can make suggestions, ask more info and inscribe yourself for a future grand tour of the South American continent or a gathering in the States.
What's hot here? Here you can check the hottest stuff available in our local Harley-Davidson dealer, as well as the must-have items in Quito.
Tips Get here some mechanical, customization tips as well as riding tips in adventurous Ecuador.
News There, you can get the latest news from the HOG in Quito.
Be Sure to check that often.

Note: the majority of information is only available in Spanish for this site is made in Ecuador. If you would like an English translation of that information, please mail us.

Besides, this page is excessively brand new and is under fervent construction. Expect more soon!