7 - 8 February 2004 4WD Promotion and Trade Show, Queanbeyan http://www.4wdspectacular.org.au
This is a major event for our Club. Put these dates in your diary and please allocate time in the days beforehand to
help put up the Club Tent and Exhibition, and help put up the display area/s, you'll still have a lot of fun.
The Premier club for four wheel drivers
who want to develop their skills in off road driving
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of every month, at the Royals Rugby Club, Weston, commencing at 7.30pm.
Mitchell Plateau in the Kimberley
View Our Training Summary
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Copyright ST4WD Club Inc.
Contact Webmaster on st4wdc@hotmail.com
Site last updated on April 2003
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