It's Sunday morning, the sun is shining. You've survived another brain-melting week of work and you're meeting your mates at the usual spot for a weekend Hoon!. But this weekend something's different - and it's not just the way you've done your hair. This weekend you're going to thrash the pants off you friends, and if they're not wearing any, you'll whup their asses instead...
So how do you go about beating your mates?
The obvious way is to make friends with slow people who enjoy nothing more than riding pre-war bikes on solid (narrow) tyres (eg. Chris Rose - Habitat - The Commercial, Rainhill) - but where's the challenge in beating them? Surely it's much better to hang around with moderately fast people who enjoy riding pre-war bikes!!!
But the real way to beat your matesis a combination of riding well, psyching out the opposition, and, of course, Dirty Tricks...
Although not necessarily in that order...........