Optimal Mortgage
Vasil Petro
Loan Consultant
T (586) 979 9560
F (586) 979 9565
C (248) 895 3563
E wisedecision@gmail.com
November 4, 2005
Dear Mr. Subnani:
My name is Vasil Petro, and I represent Optimal Mortgage. We are one of the top lenders in the neighborhood, and I see that we are temporarily in the same sort of business.
I provide home loans, and you are providing the home. The reason for my letter is to inquire about our working together in providing any buyers you may meet with the best possible home loans and therefore increase your success ratio in the sale of homes.
Would this be of interest to you Mr. Subnani? When I pre-qualify buyers, I check their credit, down payment source, employment, and any other factors that may enhance or detract from their ability to obtain a new loan. This information is paramount to a transaction. If you do not have it, you may waste many weeks if you subsequently find that your buyer cannot qualify for a loan. You must pre-qualify all buyers before entering into contracts with them to ensure a fast and smooth closing.
If you will supply me with the buyers who call on your properties I will call and pre-qualify them and then report back to you their qualifications so that you aware if the buyer that has the ability to buy the home. Secondly, I will prepare a copy ready sheet outlining different ways that potential home can be financed so that the buyer will understand their options.
Finally, because I am involved in this industry full time, I know all the best title and escrow companies in town. Since I will not receive any commission from the sale of homes you can trust my guidance as to whom to use. I know how important it is to use team members who have good track records and many satisfied clients. I can tell you who these people are. I want to be an asset and resource to your real estate decisions. Please do not hesitate to call me, should the need arise.
Vasil Petro
P.S. I will call you in a few weeks just to see how you are doing. Please fax/email me the names, phone numbers, and email addresses of buyers at your property and I will report back to you as to their qualifications.