Well, getting started - probably the single most asked question about R/C cars. Believe me, you've got a LOT to choose from. But, any way you go, you'll need to get the following:
Battery charger
Battery (one for gas, more for electric)
Tools ∓mp; toolbox
Radio (transmitter and reciever)
Practice :)
You will also need to decide WHAT kind of R/C car you want to race. Some classes:
Road course - on-road class, twisting, left and right turn track.
Electric buggy - can be on or offroad - on-road is likely an oval class, offroad is a road course with jumps
Electric truck - same as buggy
Nitro truck - offroad only
1/10 oval - can be pan cars, buggies, trucks, or touring cars, on-road
Dirt oval - special cars, just like the name says
4WD offroad buggy - more special cars, just like the name
Spec class - cars, batteries, and motors are regulated strictly to cut costs and keep things even
Each of the above classes often has a 'Novice', a 'Stock', and a 'Modefied' section. Novice is for the beginning driver, and is regulated to the same rules as stock, though many places set a
limit to the number of laps. (R/C car racing is a timed event) If you score that number of laps, you are moved to stock. Stock is a class for better drivers, but they want to either cut costs or
aren't up to modefied racing. The motors are restricted, but not to any specific motor, just the type of motor. Modefied racing is the highest-end race for the drivers who have the cash and the
skills. It requires very high quality gear and driving. However, if a certain class is not popular in your area, it may not have the differences. At my track, there is simply one roadcourse
class. No novice, stock, or modefied divisions. So, when deciding what class to race, make sure that you a) like it and b) can race against others of the same class.
Many people are put off by the fact that when they go to a race they see people who have top-of-the-line cars with every blue-aluminum or titanium part known to man. They think that to be
competitve their car must have as many hop-ups. That is not true. It is not the car that wins the race, it is the driver. A good car helps, but won't win on its own. A skilled driver will be much
better in a low-end car than a novice will in a top-of-the-line car.
OK, take a deep breath. I'm sure you want to know how much it costs. Well, like any hobby, you can spend as much or as little as you want. To get started can cost as little as $350 or more than
$1000 depending on what you want. But you can most definitely get by on the $350 setup as easily as you can on the $1000 setup.
The next page includes more information on how to get started in this hobby / sport.