Well, I've decided to put up a page with pictures and descriptions of the awesome cars that some of you guys own. All I request is that you send me a low-compression, high-res (preferably) JPEG
or BMP image of your car and a good description. Please use some sort of ZIPping utility to compress the file (the only accepted files will be in .UUE, .ZIP (single or multipart), or any other
format that WinZIP 7.0 for Win98 can handle without addons - if I have to get five programs just to view your car, it's going into the recycle bin). Also, don't be a retard and cut out a photo of
a cool car from an R/C Car Action or use someone else's car - that's just plain stupid. Now that I've set down the guidelines, send in the cars!!
That's about all for now...so go home.