King Arthur in the Ozarks

A team of leading independent historians and researchers announced today that
           Radio Carbon dating evidence, and the discovery of ancient British style artefacts
           and inscriptions in the American Midwest, provided, "the strongest indications yet"
           that British explorers,arrived in the country
           during the 6th Century and set up colonies there.
           Research team members have known the location of burial sites of Arthur's close
           relatives in Wales for some time, it emerged today; they have decided to break
           their self-imposed silence in order that their research be fully known and
           understood. DNA evidence could provide vital new leads, they say.

"We have a mass of remarkable evidence," said British historian Alan Wilson, who
           has been working with Jim Michael of the Ancient Missouri Historical Association
           since 1989. "As experts in ancient British history, we were approached by Jim and
     visited locations in the Mid West with him," he added.

Many of the grave mounds found in the American mid West are ancient British in origin and design, Wilson said. Jim Michael added, "the stone tablet found  in 1889 included an
           inscription written in Coelbren, an ancient British alphabet known and recorded by
           historians and bards down the ages." Wilson said that his research had brought him
           into contact with very similar alphabet inscriptions in Britain, Europe and the
           Middle East. "The components of the alphabet derive from the earliest days of the
           Khumric (Welsh) people," he added, "and were used along their migration routes
           to Wales in antiquity."

Some historians have written off the evidence. "They often give a false date of 1170 and
           this legend has replaced the facts," added Wilson. "At the moment, there is a small
           group of wreckers trying to steal our research and to promote this misdating.
           Luckily, we've done all the groundwork and have a substantial body of evidence in
           our favour."

"In Britain and America the academics have been slow to respond," said Jim
           Michael. "There is a theory that there was no European settlement here before
           Columbus, despite the evidence, but this is for political and theoretical reasons." In
           the UK, public bodies had, "failed to engage with this vital research effort," added
           Alan Wilson. "I think they're afraid that an independent group such as ours has
           made such progress. They prefer to ignore and neglect ancient British history
           rather than to deal with it. The Welsh people have suffered, and the opportunity to
           boost the economy, to bring thousands of jobs to Glamorgan and Gwent, where
           Madoc and his brother Arthur ll ruled, has not been exploited."
           Public bodies in the US and UK must now start to actively pursue this new
           evidence. DNA profiling could help identify the human remains found at Pickle
           Creek. "It could well be Madoc himself," said Blackett. "After all, the inscription
           was found right next to the bones, which are currently housed at the Smithsonian
           Institute in Washington DC." Wilson, Blackett and their research team know the
           location of Madoc's close relatives and have made significant archaeological finds
           at sites nearby. "So we can use Welsh DNA evidence from the graves here, and
           compare it with the bone fragments in the Smithsonian," he said. "This would be
           of massive historical value." It is estimated that up to 20,000 jobs and hundreds of
           millions in tourism could be an immediate benefit in South Wales, claimed the
           "In the American Mid West the results could be very similar," added Jim Michael.

Merlin's Cave-Pickle Springs Wildlife Area
T'was from this cave (red arrow) that Merlin secreted the baby that would become King Arthur.

The Anvil Stone-Next to Pickle Creek, Hawn State Park
Behold the anvil stone from which Arthur pulled Excalibur.

Lake Avalon-South of Pickle Creek
The Lake in which The Lady of The Lake kept Excalibur safe.

Camelot-Iron County
Camelot itself. All that remain are the earth-works that surrounded the castle.

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