The Squirrel Monkey, aka Rick Medina.
The Sloth, aka Brian Butts.
The spider monkey, aka James Lopez
The Silverback, aka Eddie Butts.
The Reeses (Rhesus) Monkey, aka Tim Reedy
Brian, Eddie, Nancy, Tim, in Lajitas Feb. '98
Rick, approaching the finish line in the circuit race. Lajitas, Feb. 98
Dirty Monkeys about to bath in an even dirtier hot spring on the Rio Grande.
Brian taking the slothful route in the first Time Trial trap. Lajitas Feb. '98
Eddie Butts, moving with dignity, as befits a Silverback. Final Time Trial trap. Lajitas, Feb. 98.
James getting a little squirrely in the first trap. Lajitas '98.
Ouch! (no, it wasn't broken.)
Team Dirt Monkey circa 1990.
Hangin' round the hitchin' post. Lajitas Feb. '98
Team Dirt Monkey at Lajitas, 1995
Brian, Eddie, Tim, McAllister Park San Antonio, 1997.