March 1999 marked the 50th anniversary of the modern trolley bus operation in Wellington. To celebrate this The Omnibus Society with help from the Wellington City Council and Stagecoach organised a four day festival from March 25 - March 28. The mayor, Mark Blumsky officially opened the festival on the Thursday by unveiling a plaque attached to the Town Hall near the site of the former Roseneath bus stop.
The highlight of the festival was a parade along the "Golden Mile" of old trolleys from around New Zealand. This ended at Bunny St from where all the vehicles spent the rest of the day carrying passengers around Wellington City. It was a busy day with thousands of people in town for the Asian festival in Blair and Allen Sts and the open day at the St James theatre and Premier House (the Prime Minister's residence). Te Papa's (the Museum of New Zealand) contribution to all this history and culture was an exhibition on Star Trek.
Taking part in the festival were Christchurch 210 & New Plymouth 3 from Ferrymead. Dunedin Trolley 77 & Auckland 85& WCCT 80 from Foxton and WCCT buses 39, 88, 90 & 119 from The Omnibus Society. Also taking part in the parade was a "dieselised" Ansaldo and a Volvo. Volvo 205, still in Big Red colours, served as an information kiosk complete with pictures and some souvenires.
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