
Here are some links to sites that may be of some interest.

British Trolley BusesBritains National Trolley Bus Site.
The Bus StationContains links to over 300 bus related sites.
DevlinA recollection about a British trolley bus system.
Hastings Trolley Bus Preservation Group A British preservation group
Ipswich Transport Museum A good site with lots of details about the Ipswich system.
The trolley bus in Los Angeles The trolley bus in Los Angeles.
MEHVAMetro Employees Historic Vehicle Association (USA)
Model Bus MagazineThe home page of the British based Model Bus magazine
Modern trolley busesFocusing on new trolley buses around the world
NETransitThis site is mostly centered around the Boston Massachusetts area, with information about the surround New England area Transportation. It includes some good links.
skodaETI, AN AAI AND SKODA COMPANY (trolley bus manafacturers)
Stagecoach home pageThe Stagecoach Wellington and Auckland home page. Mainly about Stagecoach NZ op's.
The Trolley Bus SiteA site featuring information and links about trolley buses from all over the world.
The UK Bus SiteA comprehensive site about British buses.
Wellington City Council web siteAn excellent site run by the Wellington City Council. This page has a colour picture of a Volvo in the old Wellington City Transport colours. This site features a virtual walk around the city with lots of buses along the way.
Wellington Trolleybus FestivalLachlan Rendall's site on the Wellington Trolleybus Festival with some nice colour pictures.
Welcome to Trolleybus InformationBradley Knewstubb's New Zealand Trolleybus information. home

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