British Trolley Buses | Britains National Trolley Bus Site. |
The Bus Station | Contains links to over 300 bus related sites. |
Devlin | A recollection about a British trolley bus system. |
Hastings Trolley Bus Preservation Group | A British preservation group |
Ipswich Transport Museum | A good site with lots of details about the Ipswich system. |
The trolley bus in Los Angeles | The trolley bus in Los Angeles. |
MEHVA | Metro Employees Historic Vehicle Association (USA) |
Model Bus Magazine | The home page of the British based Model Bus magazine |
Modern trolley buses | Focusing on new trolley buses around the world |
NETransit | This site is mostly centered around the Boston Massachusetts area, with information about the surround New England area Transportation. It includes some good links. |
skoda | ETI, AN AAI AND SKODA COMPANY (trolley bus manafacturers) |
Stagecoach home page | The Stagecoach Wellington and Auckland home page. Mainly about Stagecoach NZ op's. |
The Trolley Bus Site | A site featuring information and links about trolley buses from all over the world. |
The UK Bus Site | A comprehensive site about British buses. |
Wellington City Council web site | An excellent site run by the Wellington City Council. This page has a colour picture of a Volvo in the old Wellington City Transport colours. This site features a virtual walk around the city with lots of buses along the way. |
Wellington Trolleybus Festival | Lachlan Rendall's site on the Wellington Trolleybus Festival with some nice colour pictures. |
Welcome to Trolleybus Information | Bradley Knewstubb's New Zealand Trolleybus information. |