News and Gossip
If you have any news about Wellington's trolleys, or even other stuff that may be of some interest, please email me
- <25/08/01)I was in Wellington a month or so a go and I report the following
The cost of the Star pass has increased from $7.00 to $8.00.The other bit of news from Wellington is that if there is a special event on at Wellington's Westpactrust Statium the Trolleybuses don't run.I found this out the hard way when I was up in Wellington last month.
- <03/05/01)Just out of interest though not stricly to do with Trolleybuses
Redbus in Christchurch at present have several Stagecoach Wellington Leyland
Leopard's running around in the streets of my fair city.
- (02/05/01) I am sorry I have not updated the website for nearly a
year that's just shocking it's amazing how time flys when you are having fun
Foxton .
Omnibus Societies.
- (02/12/98) Good news. The WRC have decided to keep the trolleys for another five years. See article.
(05/09/98) Added article.
No.39 HREF="museums.htm#ferrymead">Ferrymead Crossley
The Foxton Trolley Bus Museum
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