Welcome to my archive about the International Churches of Christ! This is a group which claims to be "God's Modern Day Movement." Critics like me claim they are a cult which has distorted the message of the Gospel and proclaimed themselves to the the "One True Church." Here is some information I have collected on this church. Remember, the International Churches of Christ is not to be confused with the other groups known as Churches of Christ.
This is my account of my personal involvement with the ICC, as well as what I have experienced after leaving and how this church has affected my relationship with and understanding of God.
Lots of negative information about the ICC on the Internet comes from critics. This site within a site, however, is dedicated to writings about the ICC by current members which portrays the ICC in an unflattering light, although I have used some secondhand recountings. I have provided links to where the ICC members originally said this, whenever possible.
Current members demanded it. Critics appreciate it. In this section, I compare the ICC's teaching and practice to the standards set by the Bible, and examine the areas where they are in conflict. Remember what they say about wishes.
One of the ICC's primary means of indoctrination is the First Principles series of Bible studies. They claim it's an effort to boil the Scripture down to its essentials. Critics charge that it is a deliberate distortion and misrepresentation of the Bible. I have decided to use frames to present a side-by-side comparison of the First Principles studies to a Bible based analysis. Note that this works best at a very high resolution display, but it will work even for 640x480 users. The page for the First Principles studies is hosted by the official ICC homepage, while the response page is hosted by REVEAL. If anyone in the ICC has posted a rebuttal to Anderson's anlysis, please let me know. I'd be happy to include a link to it.
This section is dedicated to both the psychological aspect of the ICC, and to Bible-based refutations of ICC doctorine (note: these will soon be moved to their own section). Whether you're wondering whether an ICC practice is really justified by the Bible, or how to heal your faith after leaving the ICC, hopefully something here will be of help.
A lot of interesting things turned up when Discipleship Publishing International filed for tax exempt status. The leadership of the ICC actually called their church a denomination, some interesting financial information came to light, and more.
Looking to warn others about the ICC? Here are some downloadable leaflets I've written.
I'm a moderator of this mailing list, which was established so that people who have friends or relatives involved in the ICC can seek advice from former members on the tactics and teachings of the ICC.
There are a lot of sites which criticize the ICC and offer a lot more information about them than I have. At the other end of the spectrum, ICC members insist you need to check out an official ICC site to find out what they're truly about. My Links Page lets you do both. Decide for yourself who's telling the truth here.