Jack O’Brien brought some of the trophies for our European Festival at Reynolda October 13th.There are special rates for the Brookstown Inn in Salem under the Alfa Romeo and Ferrari names. Blake Frazier reported on the polo shirts he is having made for the event. David Lefevers is working on the print. The Dash plaques have been ordered and feature the formula one world championship Ferrari. Hendrix Wire Wheel is sponsoring a Bag Piper from 10am to noon which will be followed by Foreign Cars Italia who is sponsoring a Brass Quartet from noon to 3 pm in Reynolda Village and at Reynolda House.
We finished the evening with a few laughs on the recent Cento Quaranta Miglia and the finer points of concealing auromobiles. Rodney bought a Bugeye and is moving from friends house to friends garage hoping it will not meet those watchful eyes of his spouse. Kevin bought an Alfa and tried to hide it behind a quickly erected privacy fence while his wife was out of town. In High School back in 1967 Jerry bought an old TR 250 the same color of the new TR 250 he ordered at the dealership. He kept the old one in his parents drive and the new one at his friend’s across town. One Sunday morning after Jerry returned from his paper route his father commented how he had seen Jerry and his date out on the town and how amazing it was to seen the wax job he managed to put on that old sporty car...
The festival will take place as planned on October 13th. Regsitration begins at 10:00 AM. As always, the proceeds from registartion will be donated to the Reynolda House Children's Art Program.
Hendrix Wire Wheel is sponsoring a Bag Piper from 10 am to noon which will be followed by Flow BMW and Foreign Cars Italia who are each sponsoring Brass Quartets from noon to 3 pm in Reynolda Village and at Reynolda House.
For those of you who will be spending the night there are special rates for the Brookstown Inn in Salem under the Alfa Romeo and Ferrari club names.