Well, It has been a while since I have updated the site. Alot has happened since the last up date.
AUDIO--I decided I wanted some sound for the front of my car and I bought a radio at a thrift store. I was able to pull two Sanyo 4.5"s and what might work out to be two 1/2" tweeters, but I am not sure about those. But it was a good deal considering I paid two dollars for it. Then I went to the flea market and found a guy with three twelves for sale. Two Alpines and a Road Gear. The Alpines were $25 each or $40 for both, but I only had $20 bucks to spend so I bought the Road Gear. Another good deal. So now I am going to get Terry to wire my system up for me when I get my car back.
ENGINE--Word came from Bob that I couldnt get my car back the last time cause the timing was off. Then he had to go get a new distributor cap (a Chrysler) and spark plugs and wires (Accel). And then he still couldnt get it starting right so he said that he was going to have to put his other engine in. That engine is the same setup but we know it runs, it hasnt sat for as long, and I think it is just a little nicer, which is I wasnt going to get it originally. And I figured out that I have a coupla hundred extra bucks so I am thinking about body work and getting Al to do it
Well, that should about cover it. Bye