Preparing the Water Gipsy
for flight at 8 am.
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Sal preparing his Herr Helio
while George Sr. holds
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Juergen and George Sr., the
Tabloid and Ryan are JK`s
the Sirius and Stinson Geo`s.
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Windy conditions for the
Gipsy Moth

Rufe on take-off run. 16" span
from a modified Guillows. The
stab is 25% larger and now
flys on great.

Juergen`s own design Tabliod
leaps off the water.

Original watercolor by Millard
Wells given to R.MacEntee
and G.Nunez for 1st & 2nd.
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Rufe by George Nunez Jr.

Juergen`s Ryan going in.

Rufe. North Pacific prop, a bit
up and right thrust. Loop of
.140" rubber. Stab 25% larger.
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George Nunez`s 30" span
Water Gipsy. 2 loops of 3/16
and yellow p-30 prop

Rich MacEntee`s 30" span

Enlarged Peck-Polymer plans
All from 3/32 wood, more
incidence on bottom wing
than top.

Juergen`s Ryan and Sopwith

Rich MacEntee`s 30" Cessna