Brain Teasers

(Rest your mouse on the blue balls to reveal answers)

1. Do they have a 4th of July in England?Yes, they also have a 2nd, 3rd...

2. How many birthdays does the average man have?One a year

3. Some months have 31 days, how many have 28?They all do

4. Why can't a man living in the USA be buried in Canada?Because he's alive

5. How many outs are there in an inning?Six, three per side

6. Is it legal for a man in California to marry his widow's sister?No, he'd be dead

7. Two women play five games of checkers. Each woman wins the same number of games. There are no ties. Explain this.They're not playing each other

8. Divide 30 by ½ and add 10. What's the answer?70

9. What was the Prime Minister's name in 1950?His name has been Jean Cretien his whole life

10. A man builds a house rectangular in shape. All sides have southern exposure. A bear walks by, what color is the bear?White (the house must be at the North Pole)

11. If there are 9 ½ apples and you take away three, how many do you have?Three

12. I have two U.S. coins totaling 55 cents. One is not a nickel. What are the two coins?A half-dollar and a nickel (the half-dollar isn't a nickel)

13. How far can a dog run into the woods?Half way, then he'd be running out

14. A doctor gives you three pills telling you to take one every half-hour. How long would the pills last?One hour

15. A farmer has 17 sheep, and all but nine die. How many are left?Nine

16. How many cubic feet of dirt are in a hole 3 feet wide by 5 feet long by 4 feet deep?Zero, it's a hole

17. A clerk in a butcher shop is 5'10" tall. What does he weigh?Meat

18. How many two-cent stamps are there in a dozen?Twelve

19. How many animals of each sex did Moses bring on the Ark?None, Moses wasn't on the Ark!

20. How many times can you subtract 5 from 16? Once, then you'd be subtracting 5 from 11

21. Why are 1998 American dollar bills worth slightly more than 1997 Amercian bills? 1998 bills are $1,998 dollars, which is one dollar more than $1,997

22. How can you arrange "new door" to make one word? One word

23. What five letter word does every university graduate pronounce wrong? Wrong

24. What, according to all known scholars, is the one thing that all of them agree is between Heaven and Earth? and

25. A man has been murdered. The police round-up the following suspects. These are their admissions:

Steve: Dave did it.

Dave: Tony did it.

Carl: I didn't do it.

Tony: Dave's lying.

Only ONE statement is TRUE, so, who did it? Carl

26. What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years? The letter M

27. What is a ten letter word spelled only with the top row of a standard keyboard? Typewriter

28. You are in the basement of your home. There are three switches. Each controls a light upstairs. You can only go upstairs ONCE. You can flick the switches as many times, and as long as you like. How can you determine which switch is for which light?(Hint: It's not a trick) Turn one light on for five minutes, then turn it off.  Turn another on.  The first light is the one that is hot, the second is on, the third is off!

29. A gentleman leaves home, proceeds a short distance and turns left. He goes another short distance and turns left again. He then goes another short distance. Then he goes home. As he nears home he sees two masked men.

Who are the two masked men? An Umpire and the Catcher

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