This page will be dedicated to the F-body club of Orlando


We now have a monthly meeting on the LAST Saturday of each month. These meetings are in conjunction with the Celery City Cruisers and GOFASST Impala Club. Held monthly at the Wal-Mart Plaza parking lot in Sanford off 17-92!!!1

YOu can go to the official cffb site at

Here are pictures from first meeting!!

Here's the crew at Hooters...before the smokey burnouts!!!

Here's a couple of right side shot profiles!!!

A bunch of f-body owners..yukkin it up!!!From the left, thats Larry's wife,Larry(Blown white t/a), Scott(Red 97SS),Rob(Striped Camaro),Me(Red Z28),and Chris(red t/a)

Here are some pix from our second meeting, it was pretty late when we got around to taking pix!!!

From the left thats Tom(92RS),ME(93Z),Rob(94camaro),Martin(WS6),and Damon(98Z)

Night shot!!!Ya think?

Overall we are happy with the turn out that we have had at all of our meetings. We hope to increase our numbers at each meet.

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