This '56 Ford became my daddy's first "stock car".
This '56 Chevy was the second race car. Notice dad is giving mom instructions on how to drive for the "powder Puff". Isn't that cute? The number 56 was chosen, because I was 6 and my brother was 5 years old. O.K. bro, I admitted it, you're the younger one! haha
'64 Chevy Impala. And the winner is..... YIPPEEE!!!
That was the race cars. Now here are just a few oldies...
This '51 Ford was my daddy's first car.
I'm sure Mom and Dad both wish they still had this baby! It's of course a '57 Chevy convertible.
I think this '70 Plymouth Roadrunner was Mom's favorite! BEEP, BEEP !!
This one we do still have, passed down from my Grandpap. It's a '46 CJ2A Willey's Jeep.