Under an early morning moon

We began by heading toward the Milwaukee Brewer's Stadium.  The trip just to get to the first staging area was about a 45 minute trip...an indication of the way things would move the rest of the day.  If you know anything about engines and oil and clutches, you might figure out what a burden this kind of driving is on the bike!  Good thing it wasn't a scorcher of a day.

Finally...FINALLY we got to the stadium.  We parked in single file lines and the pictures don't do justice to how many bikes were there.  As we pulled in, there were already thousands pulling out, heading for the second staging area, Interstate 94 which was completely shut down in both directions for god knows how long a stretch!

As we snaked along the expressway-turned-staging area, crowds were already forming along the bridges and walkways.  Flags waved, kids waved, signs welcomed us...it was kinda nice!