26th of April 2005
Hmm.. it was a big day yeserday, I woke up, had a coupla sandwiches and
went off to Anzac day.. we had a few beers, we marched, and then during all the speaches,
everything started going black, and knowing that I was gonna go down, I turned
around, but had only enough time to say "I'm fucked" or something along
those lines, and I passed out. I'm pretty sure I started dreaming before I
hit the ground, for I was only out for about 5 seconds. It was quite a rude
awakening, seeing Andrew's face after such a blissful unconciousness. An elder
gentleman passed out a few minutes before I did, and apparently he didn't get as much
attention as I did (due to my uniform I would imagine). However he did get
to leave in an ambulance. After a few glasses of water, and a bit of rest, I was
ready for more beer, and everything went a lot smoother after that. It was a pleasant
surprise to find out that the beers at the RSL were free for firefighters, so
I took advantage of that (and I wasn't the only one:). After everyone had a few beers
in them, the f/f and the navy boys started swapping uniforms... everyone was worried
that they would get in trouble with the captain, however I was dissapointed to find
our captain missing an epaulette, however, not long after, he replaced it with
someone elses epaulette, someone higher in rank :) I was quite drunk by then,
so I decided to head off home, not before throwing up a little though. Than I got a pizza
and fell asleep in my comfy bed.
19th of July 2004
Bah, I guess I'm back, sorta... I'm a lil' tipsy as usual,
but I've decided a coupla weeks ago, that I'm gonna upload this site,
and not worry about the new design. I'm not online atm, coz mum's on
the phone, /me rolls his eyes, wish I was back in our 5 bedroom house
close to the beach, with my own phoneline and nuff space in my room
to have a decent party, but meh, what can you do, life goes on, and
from what I figured it doesn't get any better (only worse obviously).
Errm.. Looks like I've finally met my match, I think I might've said
that before, but I cbf reading all the crap that's below this entree,
plus I don't really give a shit. I've only had 4 drinks and I'm already
feeling it :/ and I got another 20 to go, which wouldn't be too much
of a problem if I didn't have to go to tafe tomorrow, but I guess 12
hours should be enough to get absolutely wasted and be really nasty
to people at tafe, and have a good excuse :) Like I said I'm not on
the net, so I've had to entertain myself... so here's the masterpiece:
Hrrm... I do worry myself sometimes, coz if I was pissed that'd be a
good excuse for making something like that, I guess I'll blame my limited
intellectual capacity which has been starved of blood due to the excess
flow of it to my penis. I just realized that it's been about a year
since my last entree, so if you wanna know what happened during that
time... tough shit, call me up you slack bastards and ask or are you
too busy shoving various elongated items up your rectum? Anyway, I started
TAFE in February this year I think... doing Visual Arts, exciting stuff
I tells yas, the course is good, cept for general drawing, it sucks
balls harder then Wayne's hoover mouth, and on top on that Phil's (my
teacher) being a pain in the bum, by trying to make me do more work,
for a teacher he's a lil' slow, if he thinks that pushing me is gonna
help... I'M A FUCKEN REBEL!!! get used to it, but noooo, I do more work
then the fat slob, and I'm the one who's getting homework, prolly due
to my "potential". Hrrm... I just came up with a good idea,
I might add a "bitchin'" section to my site, where I can bitch
about anything that shit me... (my other personality is nodding enthusiastically)
so I guess I'll have to do it some time (later rather then sooner, knowing
me). I guess it's a bit much trying to put everything that's happened
in the last year in one entree, so I'll leave most of it out (for now)
and crap on about nothing, coz I like doing that when I'm under the
influence. What else... I'm not friends with my best friend anymore
(that happened bout 6/7 months ago or something). Fell in love... (and
hopefully out) :/ as good as I am at blocking my emotions, this has
been a bit of a struggle for me, I guess I just need to find someone
else to obsess (woo) about, and that'll make it easier to disregard
the useless and ruthless emotions of love. Maan, haven't had an entree
this big since the big night, but I think it's gonna get a lot longer,
since I still got more booze. I told some people on mIRC that I was
having a party of one, and some russian chick wanted to come ova, but
I had to d/c, so dunn think that's gonna happen, plus I don't really
wanna meet 'er anyway. If I wanted to make out with some random person,
I would.... using my "russian charm" as Wayne puts it. Oh
this reminds me, once I get my digi cam, I'll take pics of all my portraits
and put 'em up on the net, plus I'll prolly take a few pics of Wayne's
baby works. Oh and check this out, some people think that drawing two
babies having sex somehow makes you a pedophile!!! Fucken retards, it's
ok for frankston smackies to get pregnant at 12, but nooooo baby sex.
But then again, I guess people like child porn only if the kids in it
are about 10/13, so I guess it's understandable. Oh and another thing..
I've been sooooo fucken horny these last 3 weeks, I didn't know what
to do with myself, specially when I get drunk, I'd fuck myself up da
bum if I had a Biggus Dickkus. /me rubs himself and goes for a piss.
Back... partially in black. All this talking about sex makes me wanna
kick my mum off the phone, get online and get that russian chick to
come over (all over me) or something, damn I think I should be gay,
but oh well, can't have everything. Oh and CFA, I started that about
7 months ago, and lately I've been getting "you are not motivated
enough" speaches, and all I can think of is FUCKEN OATH I AIN'T,
if I was motivated I'd be earning over $70Gs a year working as a product
analyst for AIG. Hrrm... not a bad job, pity I ain't motivated by money
:( life'd be so much easier. Oh, my 21st is coming up so I've decided
to buy myself a watch, coz knowing my dad he'd get me a $20 watch from
the Queens market or something, so I asked him to get me a digi cam,
wonder if he's gonna get me a second hand one, I hardly doubt it, not
for my 21st, and I'll prolly ask for a (semi accoustic) guitar off my
parents. For my party thingy I'm thinking of going camping, but everyone
thinks it's a crap idea, but I don't give a shit, I'm going by myself
if I have it, it'll be a nice boost for my self pity errm.. something.
Oh and if you don't like my spelling or if you are a typo nazi... shove
it where the sun don't shine you fucking anal pricks, and if you still
have a problem with it, I'll have to scull fuck you untill your scull
is filled with my cum, don't you like rum? you must be dumb, why don't
you run and save your bum? or ask your mum, who must like rum and up
da bum. Nuff rhyming methinks, this reminded me of Happy Gilmore, something
about hay/clay/may.I really need a shave, coz my neck's getting itchy,
and when it's itchy I know I need a bj to cheer me up. hrrm... /me gets
pleasant tingles... bjs.... I wish Nat was still in Australia, she gave
good head, prolly coz I knocked most of her teeth out for being such
a slut, but oh well, like I said, can't have it all. Fuck me, I'm gonna
get so wasted/spastic/para tonight, can't say I'm looking forward to
tomorrow, cept for the possibility that I'll get hugs from my hug buddy,
I like hugs. Talking about boobies, I wonder where Sara is, she's in
my class, but she hasn't been back this semester, she has nice boobies,
and she's so tiny, you could throw her around the bedroom, if she was
a dirty whore I'd masturbate over errrm... never mind. Oh and for all
of you retards out there who are still reading this shit, GET A LIFE!!!
errm.. I had a really witty comment to add right about now, but I forgot
5th of Ausust 2003
Ahhh, it has been a while. Looking at the last entry: I didn't quit
smoking (it only lasted three days). The main reason for not updating
is my stupidity. I accidently formatted both of my HD while trying to
reinstall Windows XP. Silly me. I finally figured out how to download
my website and here I am. I dropped outta Uni last week I think and I
will (hopefully) be going to the Navy in a coupla months. They are the
the major updates, I'm getting kicked off the computer, but I might
update a bit later today.
17th of May 2003
Haven't had a smoke in over 24 hours, I'm a legend
and I didn't even know it.
16th of May 2003
Finally saw the Matrix Reloaded!!! It's the best!!!
Well.. I'm not sure if it's better then The Matrix, but it's still the best.
Quit smoking at 10:30pm today, go me!!!
9th of May 2003
Man, I sure haven't written anything for a while... That's coz I've
been busy... yeah... playing Unreal Tournament, my biggest achevements
in the last coupla weeks is passing the Deathmatch level and Domination.
What can I say... I'm a legend. I'm looking for a job atm, not too sure
what kind of job, but pretty much anything I can find, so yeah. I was
thinking of changing my site to flash, but they're usually too big,
so I might just use my photophop skills instead.
29th of April 2003
I added a scripting page to the IRC menu, oops, I forgot that bit,
I'll have to do that now, well anyway, I made the page anyway, I'll
add the link straight after I do this. Might get all the guestbook entries
and make them look nicer. because the geocities one sucks as you all
probably know. At the moment I'm just trying to get all the links working
on my page, without worrying too much about the design, but I'm nearly
done with all the pages, so I'll have to make my page look all pretty
'n stuff. Oh and once I'm done fiddling with the index.html, I'll try
to get rid of those annoying errors that you get with geocities.
27th of April 2003
Haven't updated my site for a few days, been busy/slack 'n all that.
I have been playing Unreal Tournament all day today, and was too hungover
yesterday to do anything practical or usefull. Finally got the double
links to work (changing the sourse of two iframes from one of those
iframes), nothing a bit of js couldn't handle. Got Uni tomorrow, not
looking forward to it at all, it's only 8:30pm and I'm ready to go to
bed, coz I'm so tired, and I have to get up at 9, so I'd better go to
bed soon. Might fix up a few lil' errors on the site, nothing too major.
25th of April 2003
Stayed up till 2am, trying to get all the "Quotes" links
working, didn't do too bad. It's not easy on the eyes, but at least
it's there, I'll add a few more quotes here and there, and then after
I've made all the pages, I'll start redesighning the whole thing. I'm
up to 49 html files, so when I get up to 50, I'll have a big party,
and no one's invited. Michael left for 3 months, I dunno where, England
maybe, or wherever the Australia cricket team is playing, and left my
sis his car, we'll see if that was such a smart thing to do :) YES!
50 pages, 207k worth of html files. I'm gonna party today. I've decided
to add a few mirc scripting pages, to help people with scripting, conversion
page (converting weight, length, power, etc...)
24th of April 2003
Haven't updated my site for a while due to a lack of a mouse, so I
finally went to the shops and got myself a brand new USB Optical Mouse,
go me! Nothing too exciting lately, just been chatting and playing games,
holidays rule. Added a page with a screenshot of my script, so people
can download it, this time I only included the mrc file, so it's only
30K, instead of over a meg. I'm trying to come up with a different design
for the tables, inside the tables, inside an iframe :)
19th of April 2003
Finally added a guestbook (a geocities one, coz I couldn't get the
cgi one to work :() It's in the "About" menu. Nothing too
exciting today as always.
18th of April 2003
I feel good... nananananananana, I know that I should, nanananananananna...
'n stuff. I love my mum, she's the bestest mum in the world, if there
were more mums like my mum, the world would be a much better place.
I hugged her for the first time in a very long time, coz she's the best
and I love her. Every time I feel really crap/upset, she's always there
to lend me her knowledge, kindness, love and all the other good stuff.
Went to the Federation square with Mel today, but it was closed because
of the Good Friday, so we went to the Telstra Dome instead, it was cool,
Mel's the bestest friend in the world, and she's holding up pretty good,
didn't do much there though, saw a few famous people, but that's pretty
much it, I took a photo of the back of her head, it's sooooo cute (ponytails
are cute (and so is Mel)).
17th of April 2003
Finally, I get to use my own computer! (my sister and my brother have
taken over for a couple of days). Had my first taste of chocolate in
weeks, and guess what? It's vewy yummy. Cleaned up the code for the
index page, because I noticed how messy it was, while inserting a new
"Weird" button. Not a bad day today, didn't go to uni as usual,
instead went to frankston and paid one of my fines.
15th of April 2003
Slacking off today, as always. I didn't have uni, so I got up at about
1pm, went over to Mel's to help her with her page. Gave me a few ideas
for my site, but I'm not telling. I'm gonna make a secret page that's
gonna be a bitch to find, add a counter and something else, but I forget
now. Oh and here's a description of me: "I put
up a good front, but deep within there's a wild idealist, a wide-eyed
dreamer, an incorrigible fantasist and an absent-minded genius."
Oh and my mum smashed her car again today, properly smashed it this
time, there was a 7 car pile up on Frankston Dandenong Rd. and she was
the 7th car :/ So at the moment we got an old Magna from the insurance
14th of April 2003
Very uneventful day today, finished my prac early today, so I got gome
at 6pm, go me! That's all the news for today. Oh, I just found a picture
of a red Falcon XE, so I'm going to put it up on the "Cars"
page, woohoo, it'll finally be complete (sort of).
13th of April 2003
Went to my cousin's 21st last night, we drank for a while, then at
about 7pm went to play pool, got home at about midnight (her home),
I got about 7 hours of sleep, and today in the morning we went rock
climbing, and now I can hardly open the fridge, and typing is also a
bit of a problem. Nothing too exciting today, I caught a train from
Box Hill to Richmond, and one of the stations was closed due to flooding,
that was a first for me. Might update my neopets page today. Hrrm...
went up to the shops just before going to bed, I was pretty sleepy,
and I was taking my money out of my wallet while going through the doors...
pity they were closed and clear... a few guys who were in the shop got
a bit of a laugh, I just waited for the door to open, walked in, and
mumbled "I need some sleep".
9th of April 2003
Been really tired today, didn't go to Uni, got up at about noon, and
been sleepy ever since. My mum gave me one of her cup massages, so I
passed out for about 3 hours lol, my sister's blankie is really really
nuggy. Oh and another thing, people are poops. A few days ago I was
catching a train to Uni, I got off at Ormond, and there's an eldery
man laying on the platform, and everyone is just walking past him, that
would've been over 30 people... So I walked up to him, sat beside him
and tried talking to him, he wasn't talking, so I called an ambulance,
and that's when everyone decided to gather around and make their day
a bit more exciting. I can understand people not wanting to be the bad
guys, but being too chicken to help someone is just wrong. Oh and I
finally figured out how to fix the network properties, so that I can
run mIRC!!!
6th of April 2003
Weird day today, dreamy and sleepy. Watched two movies today, "Dinasaur",
and "The art of war". Got lots of sleep today, so I'm not
feeling too bad. I got a huge bruise on my cheek, which is not as bad
as it was yesterday, a scratch on my right arm (no idea what that's
from), a sore throat, not as bad as yesterday, coz I can swallow properly
now, a few bumps on my head and a scratch behind my ear from my ear
ring. My chest is a bit sore, but no bruise there, so that doesn't count,
and my muscles in my arms are still a bit numb from all the straining.
So in general I'm alright, so is Larnie, she got back alright and is
in high spirits as far as I can see. Haven't talked to Kate yet, but
from what I heard she's not too bad. Melamus is still upset, but that's
expected, Adam being her brother and all, and her being pretty much
in the middle of it all.
5th of April 2003
Very interesting day today, to say the least. We booked a room in a
hotel room for the five of us, Mel, Larnie, Kate, Adam and me. Playing
jokes on each other, writing on drunken passed out pplz, locking people
out of the room. All fun and games untill they locked Adam out. He was
outside for about 10-20minutes while all the hungover people were washing
the texta off their faces. And then when we decided to let him back
in he went absolutely beserk. Came up to Mel, after abusing Kate for
a while, and was talking crap to Mel for a while before going absolutely
off his fucken head and swearing to strangle Mel. He was about to punch
her and I think I just at least two meters and grabbed his arm, a tad
too late, so she got a bit of a thump. This is when Kate's legs didn't
want to listen to her and apparently she nearly fainted. Then I was
trying to hold him down for about 20minutes while he's screaming, swearing
to kill Mel and me. At some point he got on top of me, and he's not
a little boy, so I had a bit of trouble holding his wrists, at that
point I asked someone to call the cops, coz I wouldn't have been able
to hold him for much longer if he was on top. He managed to free one
of his hands and now I've got a nice purple bruise on my cheek. Then
he grabbed me by the throat and was screaming "How do you like
that bitch", lol, I could hardly feel it because of the adrenaline,
but Mel got really worried that he was choking me, so she ran up behind
him, grabbed him by the throat and pulled him backwards, at which point
I immedietly jumped on top of him and watched his face while his sister
was choking him, that girl's got one hell of a grip... So there he was
with me sitting on his stomach and holding him down, while his sister
was choking him, his face expressing hatred like I've never seen, thrist
for blood, chuckling... trying to laugh, but instead making horrible
chocking noises. And with those bloodshot eyes, and face that was changing
from purple to blue he reached for her throat. That was the only time
that I puchned him, trying to hit him with my knuckle, right in the
muscle, again and again, to make sure that when I was done, he wouldn't
be using that arm for a long while. once he let go, Mel released her
deadly grip on his throat and moved away, or was it I that pushed her
away? For the next 5 minutes or so I was sitting on his stomach, holding
his wrists, and trying to calm him down. After that, he kept saying
that he couldn't breath, so I made him promise that he won't hurt Mel
or myself. Once I got up, I came up to Mel and gave her a hug, one of
many that she recieved today, while Adam was on the ground still making
weird noises and trying to get his breath back. Once he got up he told
Mel to give him his phone, I said that I will get it, but he wanted
her to get it... I told him straight up that Mel was not going near
him, and since I was standing in the only doorway, I was in the position
to say so. That's when he got his mad look back and as soon as his fists
came up I charged him, grabbed his wrists and pushed him backwards about
3 meters untill we reached the bed, and then jumped on top of him. He
was trying to bite my wrists for a while, but I kept twisting my hand
so if he was going to bite anything, it'd be himself. After doing that
for a while, he gave up and did his best to try to escape me. Now if
you ever had to hold someone down on a springy bed, you'd probably know
that it's not as easy as it sounds, especially if they are not up for
sleeping. He managed to wiggle his way off the bed (with me still on
top of him) and after holding him down for another 10minutes, wearing
him out I jumped up and went outside and closed the door. So there we
were Mel and I, holding the handle of the door (and hugging each other)
to make sure he stayed in there, the security guard came. He was a little
scrony man, and when he asked me if we needed any help, I told him that
he has no hope against Adam. After about 5 minutes of listening to his
moaning and crying, the police came... It took them two hours to get
him out of that messed up room. They sprayed him with capsicum spray
and after rushing him, and making sure that he didn't go out of the
window (the room was on the third floor) they pushed him to the ground,
it took about four police officers to wrestle him to the ground, and
that's after the capsicum spary...
And the most tragic moment of that night is him walking down the stairs
with two cops holding his arms, his face swallen from the capsicum spray,
his eyes closed, his face wet... trying to walk down those damn stairs,
one by one...
2nd of April 2003
Hrrm... I'm ready to give up on Uni.... DSP is getting to me, and I
think that failing electronics has really given my self esteem a beating.
I was talking to Mel, and I didn't want to properly explain myself,
maybe coz I'm still waiting for my second wind or because I didn't want
her to be dissapointed in me. Anyway, I'm not in a very good mood lately.
I'm a slackass, what can I say. I've been thinking of going to Tibet
for a few years to do volunteer work... I wanted to go after I finished
Uni, but things don't work out, I might go early. Or I might change
courses, and do teaching, and become a math or a computer teacher, who
knows. I was just talking to Kate (she hates me), about Emily (who hates
me too) not too happy bout that either, if someone doesn't like me,
I'd much rather hear it from them straight away, instead of hearing
it off someone else, or realizing it after they start ignoring me for
no reason. I'm glad I don't have that problem, I don't really dislike
anyone, so that's one less problem to worry about I guess. Oh and I
think kate either put me on ignore or deleted me, coz she went offline
in the middle of the conversation. Why bother talking someone who you
hate? I've got an excuse, I don't hate her, so I can talk to her whenever
I want, what's her excuse? Being nice? Pfft. Oh and Mel I know you are
going to be reading this, I love you sweet cute lil' babyangel.
People suck.
1st of April 2003
April Fool's day... no one's fooled me today, and no one is going to,
because I'm a genius in disguise. Did my programming prac
today, didn't do too well :/ got 33%, poor effort, because I didn't
do any prep, but that's only because I couldn't understand what the
question was asking... Lloyd should have really learned to explain himself,
before he got into teaching, oh well, such is life. I'm really dissapointed
with the quality of the education provided by the so-called lecturers.
31st of March 2003
Rocked up to Uni today to find out that I only had one lecture. Nothing
interesting as always, just about to do my homework, stupid Algorithms
and Data structures. Dropped Mel's phone off (she forgot it in the car
last night).
30th of March 2003
I just got a 17" flat monitor, and an Epson printer (5760dpi and
14ppm), this baby can print a full page color picture in about 15 seconds
(medium quality), and if you use photo paper the pics look like photos,
like DUH. I love my mummy :) I'm just about to go see Nedd Kelly with
My mum dug up all my awards for drawing, and damn,
did I get a few, oh and she also found my 3rd grade school photo, man,
that brought a few memories back.
29th of March 2003
Just got up, so there's nothing interesting to write. Went out last
night, but I ain't hungover!!! I started updating the IRC pages, but
I will probably take my sweet time as always, at the moment I've only
got a list of Ops in my channel, and that's it.
24th of March 2003
Crappy day today. DSP is getting to me (Digital Signal Processing).
It's so bloody hard, I got no idea what I'm doing. Saw Kate today, she's
her usual self as always. Had a few drinks just before, so I'm feeling
nice 'n tipsy, and I got some smokes, so I'm not having no nicotine
withdrawls 'n stuff. Oh and I think I fried my scanner last night :/
I had all the cables in one box, and I'm pretty sure I used the wrong
adapter. I used a priter adapter instead of the scanner one, and it
stunk like there's no tomorrow, I can still smell it, and it was over
24 hours ago.
23rd of March 2003
Finally!!! I got my network going, took me a while. Haven't done anything
usefull today. I think I am going to be very sore tomorrow. I was trying
to skateboard down a hill standing on my hands, and now one of my fingernails
is blue. And I managed to do 20 pushups. Might connect my scanner today,
since I found all my cables.
22nd of March 2003
I'm not hungover today!!! Go me! I've got quite a bit of homework for
the weekend, so I should probably start doing it soon. I found my scanner
cable and my switch, but I'm too slack to connect everything, so that'll
wait. Still got no idea where my camera is. It's 11am and I'm not awake
yet, I went to bed at about 2am today, so I'm just trying to keep my
eyes open.
21st of March 2003
The war has begun!!! I think I'm one of very few people who arae actually
excited about the war... Of course I feel guilty about being so excited,
but I don't think I'm the only one, and it was going to happen sooner
or later, and I'd prefer it if it was sooner :) so here it is!!! Oh
and I shaved my head, I'm a skinhead now!!!... hrrm... if I could remember
where my camera was I'd probably take a picture and put it on the net,
but I'm too tipsy to bother, and I think it might be in my mum's room
and she's sleeping, so I think I'll put it off till later.
19th of March 2003
It's 1am, so it's not REALLY 19th, coz I'm going to be talking about
the 18th of March. Good day today, got my first mark of the year, 5/6
(83%), not too bad considering I didn't do any of the prep work, better
study up next time. Went out today to celebrate my D (which is very
close to HD:) Anyway I was thinking about myself today, and I figured
that I'm not as horrible as I make myself out to be, I might be arrogant,
but I'm not rude, and the fact that I don't really care about anything
ain't such as bad one, I care about the important things in MY life,
and that's good enough for me. Oh and I hate (well I don't really hate
anything, but I really really dislike) rich snobs... yess I do.
17th of March 2003
As you can see I was right, haven't updated the page for 6 days!!!
Uni's taking up most of my time. Oh and another thing I might have been
right about is the date when US attacks Iraq, 20/03/2003, that's their
plan now, but we'll see. Actually I think it was Mel's suggestion, I
thought it'd be on the 03/03/03. No car makes Stasik a very fit boy.
I have to walk 4kms a day (to the train station and back) fun fun fun,
AND it takes me 2 hours just to get to Uni, that's just unacceptable.
11th of March 2003
No Uni today!!! Lots of time to study!!! :/ I should be awake by about
10am, but at the moment I'm pretty sleepy. Digital Signal Processing
is a pain, and so are Sun computers, they're real weird. Data Communication
shouldn't be a problem if I do my homework and Digital Logic is alright
as long as I read up a bit. That brings me to Algorithms and data structures...
I've got a feeling that will be my biggest pain, especially the tutes
and pracs. Oh and Mel's my bestest friend ever, uhuh uhuh.
8th of March 2003
Saw Jackass the movie today, THE funniest movie I've seen for a long
time, it's 11pm and it's past my bedtime, so I'm gonna go Neopetting
for a while and then I'm off to bed.
7th of March 2003
The only thing that I can't stand is someone blaming me for something
I didn't do (someone being someone close to me), and my Aunt managed
to do just that, there were only 3 people silly enough to do it, and
no one got a second chance, and neither will she. Over 'n out.
5th of March 2003
Uni was good today, turned out Allocate+ stuffed up and I missed one
of my pracs, so I'll have to see what I can do about that tomorrow,
haven't seen anyone I know, and I don't mind, I'm a bit of a loner anyway,
plus I'm not talking to Larnie, so I ain't got too many people to talk
to :) I calculated that if I wanted to get HDs, I'd have one hour a
day to do absolutely nothing... that's if I studied 11hours on Saturdays
and Sundays (plus the usual 2/3hours on weekdays). What a joke.
4th of March 2003
Nothing exciting today, as always. Saw Kate at Uni, she hasn't changed,
as spontanious as always. I don't think I'm going to do much to my page
any time soon, but I might add the "About You" page today,
just saying that I can't make it :)
3rd of March 2003
Got a fine for $100, for smoking between the carriges on the train,
fucken TIs, I recon their job add looks something like this:
"Are you a cunt, and love making people suffer?
Do you like authority and hate responsibility? If you answered "Yes!!!"
to both questions, then this is the job for you, call 1800 FUCK FACE
now!!! and become one of us."
Oh shit... I'd go for that job... haha.
Bah, and this reminded me that I got a parking fine too, but I lost
the ticket, so I'll probably wait for the next warning. Uni was good,
Larnie's a snob. The first lecture was full on, they jumped right in,
a bit intimidating at first, but after about 20mins I actually started
understanding what she was talking about, go me!!!
2nd of March 2003
Had the worst sniffles all day yesterday, I'm feeling a bit better
today, but I don't know for how long, I think it's because I was smoking
different smokes, Winfield blues instead of Dunhill blues. When I woke
up today I felt like I was having a hangover, even though I wasn't drinking
anything yesterday, I think it's because I was dehidrated, but who knows.
Going back to Uni tomorrow!!! Excited and worried at the same time.
1st of March 2003
Got woken up at 10am today, a bit early, but I don't mind since I'm
going back to Uni in two days. All the kids at my brother's party stayed
up past midnight, and I was too hungover to keep an eye on them, so
I went to bed when they put "Big Daddy" on. I'll have to prepare
for uni today or tomorrow, and once I start Uni, I won't have as much
time to spend on my page.
28th of February 2003
Went out last night with Adam, we had a slab of Jim beam between the
two of us, and I'm still hungover (it's 8pm now). I got a new fiberglass
pool cue, set me back a bit, but it's the straighest cue I've ever seen
and the tip is pretty small, I like it. Hangovers are bad, and that's
why I usually sleep through them, it's my brother's birthday party today,
and I think his future girlfriend was invited hehe. I finally got my
Uni timetable, and I gotta get up at 7am twice a week :( Too early for
a geek like me.
27th of February 2003
The allocations should be on the net tomorrow!!! (my uni timetable).
Haven't done much to my site, added a few pics to "My Pics"
and made the 3D pics page, also added a few things to the "About
me" page. Yesterday got to sit in the kayak that I want to get,
it's nice and comfy and very expencive :( I don't like being poor. Oh
and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious is a really long word (that's
how you spell that beast of a word btw). Fucken hell, if I'm gonna save
money I ain't giving them to my mum anymore, this is getting annoying.
I was saving for a kayak, gave her $300 and she added another $300,
after a while she spent a $100 for my Xmas present, $300 to fix my car
and now I have to fight for my $200. Same as last fucken time, she had
$300 of mine, and I had to fight for it so I could buy my own TV, she
made me quit smoking so she would buy me a TV with my own fucken money.
(I quit for 6 months I think). Pfft the reminder's a fucken joke, it
was supposed to be a joke, but now it's just pathetic.
REMINDER: God loves you.
26th of February 2003
I got no idea, because it's 2am in the morning, but it's my brother's
birthday today, he's turning 10!!! I don't think I'm going to do anything
with my page today, firstly because I got no idea what to add, and secondly
because I got no idea what to add to it, not untill I fix my scanner
or get enough guts to remake my old IRC page... evil evil stuff that
is, oh and I'm probably going to bed soon.
Do not piss against the wind.
25th of February 2003
Went out with Adam today, had a few drinks, played pool, I beat him
as always (5-0) muhahahaha. Still can't find the cord for my scanner
so the pics will have to wait, got no idea about what I can add to the
site at the moment, I don't want to redo the whole IRC page, coz it's
got close to 20 different pages (I got one for every OP in #Edithvale),
might do that later, too tipsy to do anything properly atm. Oh and <blockquote>
sucks, but I have to use it, so yeah...
24th of February 2003
I've been slack, haven't touched this computer for over a week, I've
been playing Fallout Tactics on my laptop, and I finally finished it,
so now I can work on my page again. Still haven't got the photos of
my smashed car, so that'll have to wait, and while I'm waiting I have
to come up with something to do with this page. Oh and I don't think
I'm getting my kayak, big surprise there.
UPDATE: Got my photos, finally, but I can't find the cord to connect
my scanner, along with all the rest of my computer stuff, my switch
is missing too, so I can't connect my laptop to this computer.
14th of February 2003
My bungalow is getting built today, so I'll finally have enough space
in my room to put a table in there, which comes in handy since I'm starting
Uni pretty soon. Done a LOT of work on the site today, finally figured
out that I had to use <iframe>, which are cute fluffy little rabbits
compared to the <FRAME>, which are evil, evil creatures.
13th of February 2003
Drove my car to the insurance company, turns out the car is very very
dead, no more driving around for me, hopefully I'll get a kayak, but
that's me dreaming.
12th of February 2003
Smashed my car today on the way to Uni, very exciting, and I wasn't
every upset about the car for some reason, so I'm in a pretty good mood
today, worked on the graphics for the site today, but didn't come up
with anything that is worthy of my site.
11th of February 2003
Had a fight with one of my friends today, so it's back to the comfortable
indifference for me, haven't done much to the site today, but I'll make
it up tomorrow.
10th of February 2003
I have been working hard to get this site up and running, but it's
taking a lot longer then I expected (it took me 10 hours just to get
the main picture perfect), so from what I figured it is going to take
me a few months to finish this site (at least), so untill then I wish
you a great deal of patience.