The Q&A Forum with the Webmaster of The Racing Scene
Who are you and what's the deal with The
Racing Scene?
My name is Stan...the creator of The Racing Scene. At
first, I created this site because I just wanted pictures of cars and models. It was
actually only one page long but as I got more and more into the whole import racing scene,
I figured that I should share what I see at the car show with you all. Unlike many
other import scene pages out there on the internet, I think that this one is unique in a
way that 1) I try to keep it on a personal level 2) I give the viewers what they want and 3)
this is a one-man operation. Most import sites have more than one person taking care
of the site...such as review writers, photography people, webmasters, etc. I, on the
other hand, prefer to control my own site. Of course, if a helping hand comes
around, I'll be glad to let them help me. But in the mean time, everything is done
by me. The pics, the layout, the *ahem* sometimes wrong captions (oops...hehe), etc.
So thanks to the ever-growing trend of the scene and from your interest in the
scene, my page has evolved to what you see now.
How did you get into the whole import scene?
I first got into the import scene in early 1998. My
friend Buzz had always spoke of going but I never went before until he dragged me into
it. Since then, I've gone to several car shows and posted them up here on The Racing
Scene. I guess it's kinda cool that people actually like my page.
Or...sometimes I hear that people have been to my site. Makes me feel like an
unknown celebirty...hahaha.
What kind of ride do you have? Despite my love for the import scene, I currently drive a 1995 Camaro Z28. Why is that? |
Are you in school?
I just graduated from San Jose State University with a
Bachelors of Science in Administration of Justice. Sounds pretty cool, eh?
hehehe. So I'm not your uneducated guy who has nothing to do but to make a web
What do you want to do for a living?
Ever since I was five years old, I've always wanted to be a
police officer so hence my major. Granted that I have this major, most of my work
experience dealt with computers.
What kind of work do you do with computers?
Well... I'm a Software Quality Assurance Engineer.
Basically, that means I get to piss off the developers and programmers by breaking
their programs and stuff. And in return, they have to fix it so that I get to break
it and piss them off again. Isn't it great? hehe.
Why did you major in Administration of
Justice if you work with computers?
Well, I love both types of jobs. In fact, I think I like
too many things. But I am hoping that I will be able to find a job that deals with
BOTH law enforcement and computers. That would be totally cool.
Do you have any goals if
you do in fact become a law enforcement officer? Of course, going up in rank is important. But I would like to eventually enter into the K9 Units and the SWAT teams. I would enjoy being in the K9 unit because I love dogs...and what better way to go to work than with your four-legged partner. SWAT would just be the ticket out of the traditional police work. You're the best of the best...and that is what I strive to become. |
Why a police officer? Why not just do
computers for a living?
I think this is the hardest question for
anyone who knows me. Nobody seems to understand why I would leave the computer
industry for such a job. My intentions are to never really "leave" the
comptuer industry. And because I know so much about the computer industry already,
it would be a waste not to use it. However, the satisfaction of helping people and
being with the public just isn't there as opposed to being a police officer. The way
I see it, as a police officer, you are out there helping everyone of ALL ages, of ALL
social group, and of ALL financial background. In the computer industry, assisting
others only benefit people with computers or people who have money. That just
doesn't cut it for me. Money isn't an issue anymore. It's nice to have money,
that's for sure. But happiness from doing your job is a much more rewarding
experience, in my opinion. This quote, I believe, just tells it all:
"If you choose a
job you love, you'll never work a day in your life"
- Mary Engelbreit
Do you have any hobbies? I actually have quite a few. I'm sure first and foremost is keeping my Camaro Z28 as clean as I can without being too obsessive about it. Of course, I've been told otherwise. Anyway, another is paintballing. Although It's been quite some time since I actually played paintball, I do play on occation. I love playing the sniper role (hence the above picture of a sniper) and on occasion, the first line of attack. The pic to your right is an actual picture of me. What makes this picture cool is that it wasn't staged...and I was pointing out to my teammates where the enemy's line of fire was coming from. I also play computer and video games as well as surfing online and meeting some friends. I spend a lot of time chatting with friends from all over the place. |
What kind of chat software do you use?
I use AOL's Instant Messenger and ICQ. My IM is "stan
7855" and my ICQ number is "1241994".
I think the best way to get a hold of me is to email me.
Do you like to do anything else?
I also love to take pictures of things. I'm not a professional photographer but I
enjoy taking pictures for my own enjoyment. If it wasn't for this interest, I don't
think that The Racing Scene would have ever been created.
Are you in a relationship? Yes I am. Her name is Kelly. How is it that you find time to run The Racing Scene
and have a relationship? Is she into the import scene as well? |
Is there anything you'd like to say?
Actually yes. I am glad that there are import car
shows around because it really shows to me how much pride people have in their cars and it
shows how much effort they put into their dance routines and singing abilities. But
what really makes me concerned is that because of this, I know that some people become
really materialistic and therefore judge others wrongly. Well, I hope that all of us
will be able to share what we have and befriend a fellow import car enthusiast instead of
giving the dirty stares or the macho attitudes. Whether they drive a import or a
domestic, a fixed up car or a third generation hand-me-down car, it shouldn't really
matter. As the quote under my title page says, "Remember, it's not about what
ride you have or the mods on it, it's all about the right attitude." Let's keep
this scene alive and in a positive spotlight.
Stan's Homepage: Home | Video Games | Celebrities | Pets | Pictures | Jokes | Law Enforcement | Racing | Friends | Paintball | Me
The Racing Scene: Home | Import Car Shows | Car Stereo System | My Ideal Camaro | Racing Links
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