Report from 8 hours on Sviestad the 26:th of april 1998. The race was the first official race on the track, now officially opened for cars. Changes in car setup was: New better tyres, and a softer front end (no anti-sway bar), nothing more since last year. Yes, and of course, we had fixed, or bypassed, the rev limiter. It was cold and damp when we started from Stockholm at 4:30 am to reach track for scrutineering at 7.00. It was wet track the whole day except for the ideal line which was dry nome 2 hours out of 8.... Reodor started and had problems with finding 3:rd gear. Got 5:th all the time instead. We took her in for a checkup to see if the tyres was rubbing the coils in the front as last year but everything was perfect. Reodor went out again and managed to find the gears and suddenly we were in the middle of our class. And during acceleration she went equal with the faster turbo cars. It was only under 5000 rpm that we were really loosing ground. At 9:50 it started to rain and Reodor litterally flew of the track at the esses. Sideways. Luckily she didnt flip, but she wouldnt restart so we had to be towed to the pits and it took half an hour to find the missing cable and fix it. The manifold kept comeing unscrewed from the exhaust pipe. We should hav used springloaded bolts but we had used fixed. Never listen to some advise. Desmo made most of the fixes so Reodor went out and made some 15 minutes until Desmo had changed gear. He went out hand came in after half an hour to fix the exhaust pipe and it had to be fixed again at 1145 when Biggles went out. We also had to check oil level every 2 hours. She was loosing oil around the filter/oil-cooler adaptor. 12:45 went MrBeam out and made some good times. He had driven from Gothemburg that morning in his wifes 205 so he was used to the car.. When he came in after half-an-hour for the customary exhaustpipe fix we found out that the tube behind the extractor had broken. It took 45 minutes to find someone to weld it, and during that time Reodor found out how to make springloaded boldt by stacking springwashers and normal washers. Then it worked. Reodor went out for his 15 last minutes and after that Desmo made 35 mins. Bigges took his last stint for the day at 3:40 and at about 4:15 he made a long brake at a short space. Sudelnly we had a somewhat secondhanded front with the oil- and water coolers bruised but not leaking. Noone had a chance to reach us and we could not get the one before us. MrBeam opted to not drive until 5 minutes to the flag to minimize the risks of conesquenses of a leak. He did so and we had another finish. Conclusion. She is fast now. We would like to have a LSD. We would like to be faster in filling petrol. We must fix a new front with a new watercooler and new lamps till next race. We have to get a replacement for the welded exhaust tube, as we cannot trust it in its present state. Were skipping the race the 17:th of may and going for the 28:th of june. Stay tuned.