Race number 2, Sviestad 28/6 1998 Drivers: Pacemaker, firsttime racer (His friends gave him the racetime as a part of the prewedding ceremonies). Conan, also firsttimer, workmate of Reodor, Desmo, Biggles and Reodor. Time: 8 hours Changes since last race: Wider rims on rear wheels and new front rims with 5 mm wider offset. New fiberglass front fenders. A new rear wing in aluminium that Biggles got welded by some aluminium boatmaker he knows. A new UGLY front/spoiler combination (made by Reodor night between Friday and Saturday. A new oilcooler adapter, hopefully not leaking assembled by Desmo under a long seek-and-find process. Start 900. Pacemaker started as he and Conan was running under temporary debutant licences and had to get som laps to get the full licences. She totally refused to go beyond 5000 rpm so he cam in and we started the fault diagnosis. It sounded like an ignition problem. Unloaded she was revving but not under load so all testing had to be done by racing one lap. Recheck all ignition cables and out again. 5000 rpm and no more. 556 all cables and fitting. Check the plugs and out again. 5000 rpm. Check that she was geting fuel and there was som fuel coming. 10:00 Change ignition coil and test. 5000. Check that the fuel line and filter wasnt blocked by examining the flow into injection and out of hp pump. No differrence, fuel line OK!. Check that the catchtank was full (the liftpumps was working). OK. Borrowing an hp pump from neighbour team LidingoMafia and test. 5000 rpm. During all this testing she was leaking a little oil att the oil adaptor. (sigh). 11:00 Bypassing the catchtank if the liftpumps wasnt giving enough. (brainfade!) 5000 rpm Checking that the borrowed pump was an injection hp pump, and it was, byt maybe faulty, we could borrow another one. Done, and mounted and tested. 5000. 12:00 Now it was about noon and we had made 15 slow laps (but wasnt last). Conan said that now we had checked every part except maybe some piece of hose. Reodor thought of which hose hadnt been tested or bypassed, and found out that the hose into the hp-pump was the only one. It was a hose with an adaptor form 6 mm to 8 mm in the middle. It was totally blocked!!!!. Yesss! Get a new hose there and test! 5000. What now?? Last thing, remove the borrowed pump and put in our own hp ignition pump. 6200 rpm. As before the cutting of the diode in the ignition box, but what the..... Get some laps done!!!! 13:00 Now Pacemaker was racing! For two laps, then in the esses she gave a cloud of white smoke and he was going slowly home. In the pits we saw that the filter adaptor had worked loose. A quick thought... Remove the oilcooler and put the filter directly in the block and get out again. Listen to the engine and she was running happily. Hopefully ok!: There was about 1.5 litre of oil in the engine when we came in so it should have been enough so save her. Whattodo?? Put the cooler in place again with the risks of another blowout. Or put the filter directly into the engine block and run without cooler. We decided for the latter and removed the cooler and was racing again. 13:30. Now at last moore than one un-interrupted lap. Suddenly a car stopped on the track and we gor a yellow caution flag. (no passing under yellow, byt you can maintain speed). Pacemaker slowed down also, in fact so slow that the pacecar started to lap him. Upon reching Lionne the pacecar flashed his lights and slowed a bit to make Pacemaker hurry up (there for the nick), but decided to pass. 7 out of eight following cars passed until Pacemaker understood that he was supposed to keep the pacecars tempo. Observing it all the team decided to ask the race marshalls wehter all seven cars shoul have a stop and go penalty. They (and we) just laughed. 14:00 Later he made a full 360 in the chicane and were also off in the righthand corner after the back straight (still only Desmo that has kept it on the track all the time there). Conan went out to do his hour. Went a little awkward in the beginning, trying to drive it like a go-cart but soon found his rythm. 1500 Conan the Balebarian. Later during that hour two volvos crashed and one got embedded in the heap of tyres protecting a flagpost. One of the cars involved managed to make small styrofoam pieces out of the brakepoint marker just before. Conan in turn, managed to catch one of the pieces so it blocked the air intake for the left brake. When we took him in to remove the piece we saw something dragging under the car. It wasnt a peice of the undercarriage as we feared, but a trackmarker, a cone from the chicane. He had moved that around for three laps without getting neither a technical flag, nor a penalty for removing a trackmarker. But that cone gave him his name and now resides in the team museum. A few minutes he came in early with the new front totaly smashed by a straw bale. 1600 Desmo went out and was a bit late. I.e. he went of in the bend after the one where everyone else has been off. Biggles took the flag after a totally uneventful stint an for a change the crew had a chance to rest an hour.