Race number 3, Sviestad 22/8 1998 Drivers: MrBeam, Clapton, Desmo and Reodor. Time: 8 hours Changes since last race: Lowered front damper/spriing combo. A new front/spoiler combination (In fibreglass, reproducable this time). Renewed and tested ignition system. She was revving and pulling at 7500 rpm at testrun. Prerace. MrBeam called 250 km from track with a dead car, he was trying to show up later but didnt manage. An oil hose broke during warmup in the pits. Start 900. Clapton started and got blackflagged after 500 meters, same oil hose.... 1000. Clapton got out again and came in and said that she wouldnt rev. She was giving gas ok in return hose. After checking all ignition connections she was running again but had a slow spot at 6000 rpm and some misfire at above 7000. And the kick wasnt there. 1100. Clapton still out there, and suddently going very slow. Hi did a Rådström (driving with the windscreen full of bonnet/hood sheet metal). The bonnet pins had worked loose under pressure. 1200. After some fixing we had secured the hood with m10 bolts and could go on. Desmo was running steady and then we got flagged in for leaking again. 1300. We found that there was some gas coming out somewhere in the right rear side (wherefrom??, ther is nothing there). We cleaned everything and went out again. 1400. Reodor took over after some laps and a gas fillup, and came in after 15 laps dizzy by fumes. There was gas again in the same place. It felt dangerous to run so we started to search. 1500. We fixed a leaking petrol cap by making a new and screwing it in place. No more tankstops. Now we had to pushstart her. Reodor went out and managed to run some longer but suddently all the power was gone. She didnt run that well with rear handbrake on..... Out again and the misfire was building up. Letting her rest some ten minutes was curing it for the moment. 1600. In the end she was doing just a lap and a half before losing power. Desmo tried to get the flag but this time she wasnt even mamaging a full lap. There was no pressure in the fuel system after stopping. 5 weeks to next race and som fault diagnosis to do... WE'LL BE BACK!!!!! Epilogue. Monday morning. Desmo found out that if the petrol pump isnt doing the job the starter will and should refuse. So, if the pump is going dead slowly this would be the result. Maybe the pump was cooked while trying its best to suck petrol through an almost blocked hose a couple of races ago.