Here are the informations you're looking for if you want to submit your car to PK's Import Car Showcases or if, for any reason, you need to contact me.
If you think the import car you're driving would make a great addition to PK's Import Car Showcases, you're in luck, it can happen. Just send me an e-mail(to the adress posted below) with the car's brand and model name, the year it was manufactured, a listing of any modifications it has right now and a short history of it. Any car can be sent, whether it's a 450hp turbocharged Integra or a car, like a 1986 Hyundai Pony that works on 2 cylinders and take more oil than gas, that has a lot of "personnality". Performance related numbers are welcomed (especially common ones like 1/4mile, 0-60mph and top speed) but not obligatory. Like you probably noticed, my website is more about the pleasure of driving and the whole automotive experience(good and bad) than about compression ratios and boost pressure numbers in charts. But the more details the better because they all serve the purpose of enhancing your car's page.
Then, to the same e-mail, attach any files(zipped preferably) you have that are related to your car (images, sounds, etc.). So that I can respect the format of the website, a minimum of images is required but sounds are not obligatory. Due to Hotmail's limitations, please limit your e-mail's size to 1mb and below or send 2 separate messages. Also, since I'm a student, the addition of showcases depends solely on my free time so don't be alarmed if the delay between the time you sent your car's infos and the time it's actually posted seems long. Of course, all showcase additions are object to my approval.
For car submissions, comments, questions or anything else, you can e-mail me by clicking on the link below...