Well I'm finally getting around to putting up this page. The lights have been on my car for quite some time now as you can tell by the pics of the car. I'll try to give you as much info as I can. If there are any more questions about something I might have missed drop me a line and I'll try to help you out.

This is a front view of the finished product on the car. The fog lights that I used are BLAZER fog lights PART # CZ072K, that I got from Wal Mart for about $26. They fill the holes nicely, and GM is using them on cars from the factory. My wife’s 98 Cutlass came with the very same lights as a factory installed option.

1. The first thing you will need to do is put the car up on ramps or a lift so you can get under the front of it. When you crawl under you will see 3 push in fasteners that hold the cover to the bumper right where it starts to go up toward the radiator. Pull out these 3 clips and you will be able to get at the self threading nuts that hold the black nostril covers in to the bumper cover. I took the black covers out and cut a 3" hole in each one so the back of the light (where the bulb is) would fit through and the lights would fit more flush. The lights come with metal mounting brackets, witch I cut a part out, allowing the bulb to fit through the hole cut in the black covers. Then I used the two-sided tape that came with the lights to mount them. Then just put the nostrils covers back in the hole, but don’t put the 3 fasteners back in yet.

2. Now go into the car and pull the kick panel from under the steering wheel out. As you can see from the pic all the fog light wiring is ALREADY in your car! Yep, that's right, it's all there. Once again look at the pic, and you will see a hole just under the headlamp switch (right next to the white tab in the pic). Reach in the hole and you will find a wire bundle with a plug on one end wrapped in some gray foam. These are the fog light wires. The only mod you will need to make to the wires will be to splice in the wire (GREEN in my case) that comes from the lights. In the pic I'm pointing the (YELLOW) wire that you will need to splice into to give the lights power (we'll talk about this later, and I'll tell you where to run the wire through the fire wall). Right above the hole you found the wires in and below the headlamp switch you will see the factory Pontiac Firebird foglight switch I use to make for "it came with them" clean look. Sorry I don't remember the part #, but you can get it from you Pontiac dealer for about $14.

3. You will need to cut a small hole in the dashboard to mount the switch. If you have a dremel tool, I would suggest you use that, if not try to find one. I made a guide out of cardboard to use to mark the dash so I would know how big to cut the hole. Just trace around the bottom of the backside of the switch that will go into the dash to get the right size for you guide. Then take a pencil and make it out on the dash and cut out the hole. Now push the switch in, and connect the plugs.

4. Now go back out front and wire up your fog lights. Mine came with 2 sets of wires to do this. BLUE wires that came from each fog light, and a Green wire that runs up to the switch for power. This is pretty easy, just read the instructions that come with the lights. I hide the wire pretty well in my engine bay so it was out of the way. Now, as you can see from pic #3 I ran the GREEN wire through the firewall right where the wire block passes through into the engine bay. There is a small screw (have no ideal why it's there, it doesn’t do much) at the top of the wire block that you can take out and run your wire through. Fish the wire up to the plug for the switch, and clip the YELLOW (look at pic 2 again) wire on the car side of the plug. (NEW INFO) Also clip the PURPLE wire on the same side as the YELLOW wire to give power to the indicater light in the switch when the fog lights are on. Thanks to Christopher Pucylowski for the indicater light info, I couldn't figure that one out. Now splice the GREEN (in my case) wire into the YELLOW and PURPLE the lights will now have power as well as an operational indicater light when the fog lights are in use. Put the fasteners back in the bumper cover and put the kick panel back on and your done.

The fog lights will work when the driving lights are on as well as the headlamp’s and high beams. The backlight for the switch will also work, as well as the indicator that the lights are on. The lights look and work great and look factory!


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