Odds and Ends


The page for the things I couldn't decide they should go ?

Ruth's sour cream fudge

1/4 cup butter                                     1 cup brown sugar

1 cup white sugar                                3/4 cup sour cream

1 tbs. vanilla                                       1 cup chopped nuts

In a heavy sauce pan melt butter and brown sugar, add white sugar and sour cream stir. Using a candy thermometer cook to 325°. Remove from heat and let cool to room temp. Beat and add vanilla and nuts. Pour into buttered pan right away and cut (if it cools to much is impossible to work with).

From Crissy "P" - a friend at my day job

Popcorn Balls - A great treat remembered from my childhood

1/2 cup sugar ------------------ ------ 1/2 cup brown sugar

1/2 cup Karo syrup ------------------- 2 tbs. butter

1/4 tsp. baking soda ------------------ 6 cups popcorn ( 2 bags microwave)

1 cup walnuts (optional)

Cook 1st 4 ingredients stirring constantly to a rolling boil, add baking soda. Pour over popcorn and form into balls. Let cool for 10 mins and place in individual plastic sandwich bags till ready to eat.

From - Mike "L" - Bushtah's nephew    (given to him by Virginia "L" )

Egg Noodles - Much Much better then any you will buy in any store

4 hole eggs ------------------------------------------2 egg yokes

1 tablespoon melted butter --------------------------1 teaspoon salt

Flour ( aprox 6 cups )

Start with 4 cups flour in large mixing bowl, form bowl in center of flour add salt, eggs and butter to center and mix with fork continue to add flour till mixture is as stiff as you can make it. Turn out on floured board and knead for 5 mins. (Now the easy method is to buy a pasta roller and use it to roll and cut the noodles should only run ya about $19 bucks) But if you don't want to spend the money there is a old fashion method. Cut dough into 1/2 inch sections and roll flat (1/16 to 1/32 inch thick), cut into strips and let dry over night or use right away. You more then likely will have some left over put them in a freezer bag and pop them in your freezer.

From - Mrs. Warden - Bushtah's sister

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