Basic Information

Last updated 20 July 2001.
Three Children: Margaret(10), Zachary(8), Dominic(4).
Married to Karen since 1984.
I also have two sisters: Pamela and Donna.
Oldest Pictures at the Bottom


Margaret is in 6th grade.

She is in the Spanish Immersion program--half a day in Spanish, half a day in English.

Summer is in full swing!


Zachary is in 4th grade.

Also in the Spanish Immersion program. And having fun!

He is enjoying school.

Swimming is great fun!!


Dominic will be going to kindergarten this Fall.


Pictures from 2000

Meg's softball, April - June

On deck in April ... Batting in April

A trip to the zoo in March.

Watching Giraffes ..... By the Giraffes ..... Near the Giraffes ..... Around the Giraffes

Walking around the Zoo - 1 ..... Walking around the Zoo - 2 ..... Walking around the Zoo - 3

Walking around the Zoo - Nic gets a ride

A trip to the mall in March.

Nic in the mirror ..... Standing Around

Pictures, 1998, up to August

Here is the family about to depart for summer visit to Grandma and Grandpa.

Meg, Zach, and Nic getting ready to get in the van and go.

Zach, Meg, and Nic about to get in the van to leave.

Karen standing next to loaded van, almost ready to go.

Karen, seconds before getting in the van. Walking towards the open door.

Meg playing softball spring 1998. First season. Official team picture.

Maybe more to come.

Pictures, 1997

Dominic excited about walking on his birthday at Grandma's

Dominic up close looking older and happier.

Meg, Karen, Zach, and other party-goers looking for treasure at her birthday party.

Meg and Karen up close during the search.

All three children posing nicely for a professional photographer.

Another scan of the same picture.

On my visit to San Francisco, I saw both sisters and have new pictures from that trip.

Donna and myself in Pam's kitchen. I'm cooking pancakes--banana and chocolate chip. [Picture removed for editing]The three of us posed a short while later.

[Picture removed for editing]Pam's husband Ralph is shown practicing the button accordion (at least I think it is, I get confused between button accordion and other related instruments).

My nephew Alex got his trophy for indoor soccer league. He is a fierce competitor.

Coming Soon! Wedding Pictures!

Oldest Ones. Early 1997 or 1996 or even earlier.

Margaret (Meg), Zachary (Zach), and Dominic (Nic) (and other assorted family members) can be seen below:

Meg's 1st grade school picture.

Zach's school picture.

Dominic last August.

Everyone went to my work Holiday Party and sat on Santa and Mrs. Claus' laps.

Meg and Zach on the beach at Walden Pond.

Karen and Dominic (a little blurry in the shadow) on a boat ride out to the Statue of Liberty.

Karen and Zach visiting the Trolley Museum in Maryland.

John and Nick backpacking through Europe in 1996.

John and Nick playing a fun game together. A good time was had by all.

Pam visiting us for the AIDS quilt rollout on the Mall (seated by the fountain near the National Gallery). Margaret took the picture!

Donna, her husband Jeff Stone, and my wonderful nephew Alex at some dinner.

Me and my sisters as children. Scary, eh?

My mother and her brothers and sister, otherwise known as the Leary Siblings.

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