Remedy User Group 2000 - Santa Clara, CA - June 2000

Here are some pictures from the various meetings, parties, etc.

Leading the Group..... Walking around after dinner..... Posing with Remedy CEO.....

Testing in Germany - December 1999

Before hand, we stopped in Luxembourg... We also went to Kassel for the Brothers Grimm museum...

Trip October 1996--Barcelona, Spain

Here are three pictures taken while going out to dinner in Barcelona. Usually late at night. Barcelona is the capital of Cataluna, I believe, so everything is in Catalan, and most everything is in Spanish, too.

I don't remember the names of all the restaurants we went to, but if anyone looking at this remembers, please send me email.

Dinner One, Dinner Two, and 7 Portes (or Siete Puertas in Spanish).

Here is a picture inside the hotel. We stayed at the Hotel Princesa Sofia. Note the name of the conference room.

Here are two pictures taken inside the Barcelona subway. Subway 1 and Subway 2.

And here are two pictures taken at Parc Guell, by two sculptures created by the Gaudi, the same person who designed the Sagrada Familia. First animal and second animal.

Demonstration at Goddard Space Flight Center

We had to bring our computers out to the Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC) to demonstrate our prototype. Having some film left from the trip to Barcelona, I had someone take our picture in front of the computers.

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