Mick Gower's Indian Recipes

Meat Korma

Part A

  • 2 lb Leg of Lamb boned, cut into 1 inch pieces
  • 1 Medium sized onion peeled and shredded
  • 3 tbsp Cooking oil
  • 1˝ tsp Garlic paste
  • 1˝ tsp Ginger paste
  • 4 Bay leaves
  • 4 Green cardamom seeds
  • 2 Pieces of cinnamon stick about 2 inches [50mm] long each
  • ˝ tsp Salt
  • ˝lb Butter or ghee
  • ˝ Pint Water

Part B

  • ˝ Pint fresh cream
  • 1 Cup fresh milk
  • 1 tbsp Coconut flour
  • 1 tsp Almond powder
  • 2 tsp Sugar
  • Pinch of turmeric powder
  • 3 large onions peeled and chopped and boiled in 2 cups of water in a small boiling pot, remove and let to cool. Crush with their juice with an electric blender.

Mix all the ingredients together from part A in a boiling pot or heavy based saucepan, start cooking over a high flame covered, when the ingredients begin to boil stir and turn the flame to a medium heat and cover and continue to cook for 35 minutes. Stir the ingredients frequently watching they don't stick to the bottom of the pan.
Now remove the lid and pour in all the ingredients from part B stir and mix well bring to the boil and keep stirring, turn the heat to low, cover the pot with its lid and continue to cook for another 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove the pot from the heat and allow to rest for ten minutes prior to serving
Serve with rice or any sort of bread or even chips!

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