Recipes from:

Kwantlen University College

A lot of you out there in Cyberspace have asked me "what is it that you do with yourself when you're not creating such FABULOUS webpages?"

Well, okay, maybe not a LOT, but a few of you....fine...have it your way....only one of you took the time to write and ask about me, but that's okay, I'm not sensitive or anything....*sniff*

Well, to satisfy your curiosity, I am a full time Accounting student at the Richmond, British Columbia Campus of Kwantlen University College in British Columbia, Canada (Richmond is a suburb of Vancouver, BC)

However, man (and woman) cannot live on amortized assets alone, so I have asked my instructors for their favourite recipe(s), so that I can provide them to you, the cyberspace citizen!

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Rob Scharff's ..... Tiramisu

Jim Tehranian's ..... Aash (Herbs and Beans Soup)

David Ingre's ...(ta da!) Purist Latkes

Nancy Clegg's......Chicken Fajitas

Margaret Beresford's.....Cajun Pork Tenderloin and Kidney Beans and Bacon

Dave Evans's......Orange Cheesecake......(finally!)

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Disclaimer: My cousin Guido, the lawyer, (well, okay, he's not a lawyer but he's been in court a lot, so that's close enough, isn't it?) says that I should mention that the Kwantlen University College name and logo has been used basically without their knowledge or permission. But, they're such wonderful people I know they won't object. However, they are not in any way, shape or form responsible for what appears on this page, or within this site! That means, if you don't like the recipes, or anything else on this page, it ain't their fault! But, hey, that's all pretty darn subjective, so I think I can safely say that it's not my fault either! By the same token, if you think my site is cool (and who wouldn't), but think that the Kwantlen University College links leave something to be desired (but you won't), that's not my fault either!!

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