The Dark Holocron

You have now accessed the Holocron. The Holocron is a electronic library of the history and the characters of the Dark Side, throughout galactic history. Use the knowledge carefully and for the furtherment of the glory of the Empire.

Grand Admiral Thrawn

Captain Pellaeon

Second in command to Thrawn, Pellaeon is the perfect example of the typical Imperial officer. A man of substance and full of pride for the empire he serves.

A brilliant tactician. A cunning genius that truly deserved the title of Grand Admiral

Exar Kun

Joruus Caboth

One of the elite few Dark Jedi to hold the title of Lord of the Sith. Was incredibly powerful thousands of years before Darth Vader.

A mad clone of a long-dead Light Jedi master, Joruus uses the Dark side instead. He desires new Jedi to make like himself.

Not enough, I agree. I will add Vader, the Emperor, and others soon enough.