I saw these guys at the Rave with a bunch of friends. Crown of Thornz, Damnation, and Downset opened for them. Damnation was the shit! Anyway, Karl Buechner who does the vocals (guy in the middle) moshed into the crowd and landed on my head! That fuckin killed! There were a bunch of crazy fuckers there slam dancing and nearly taking people's heads off. Overall it kicked ass. After the performance, outside, a crazy black motha' fucker came up to me and a friend and said: "Hey, waz up?. Can you spare a quarter or a dollar? " I just said we had no money. But then he said: "Shiat... well I got some fuckin shooms and cocaine, and shit just around the corner." My friend said no thanks, we didn't need any. Then he said: "Come'on man, just a dollar for a fuckin joint!" The crazy fuck backed me into a corner and then for some reason he ran away. I thought he was going to put a cap in my ass.