Herman's Beerpage


Rochefort 8 clone recipe can be found here

Purpose of this page

I (Herman Holtrop) created this page to present fellow homebrewers some information about the formulation of the recipes of some well-known beers. I'm brewing beer since 1989 (first extract, later on all-grain) and used to try a lot of my own recipes (some of which were actually quite gross, other drinkable). However, I find it challenging to clone or even outbrew some of my favorite beers. I present you now with some of the information I gathered, and by doing so, I hope to get some feedback from you as a fellow brewer about the recipes of some other preferably hoppy brews.

So brew some & have fun!!

You are visitor Counter, this page was last updated january 29, 2002.

Recipe research

Reading through all sorts of beerliterature and crawling around the web, i have learned some interesting stuff about the way commercial brews are formulated. I will list some of my findings below.

The information concerns the used grains, the used yeast, and last but not least the used hops. If some of the information presented is wrong, please write to Herman

Sample recipes

La Chouffe

Grain bill

LAS-YOU'VE - recipe for 15/10 liters La Chouffe
Ingredients 15 liter 10 liter
Pilsener malt4050 g2700 g
Amber/Ambree malt(50EBC)450 g300 g
Honey (clover)75 g50 g

The recipe must consist of 90% pilsenermalt and 10% amber malt. Hops used are possibly Styrian and Goldings, but Saaz could have been used as well.


La Chouffe yeast cultured from a bottle of La Chouffe (Mc Chouffe). You best use a recently bottled Chouffe (The month of bottling used to be on the cork, but u can also subtract two years from the ultimate date of consumption).


For this brew I used whole Goldings hops 34,5 g (23 g) and Saaz hops 34,5 g (23 g). About 30% of the hops were added at the beginning of the boil. A second addition (another 30%) were added after 25 minutes. After 50 minutes of cooking another 30% were added, the rest of the hops were added after 20 minutes later, so after 70 minutes of boiling, they therefore only boiled for 5 minutes.


Coreanderseeds, freshly crushed 13 g/ 9 g, half of it was added after 25 minutes boil. The rest was added after the boil, so after 75 minutes. Water treatment: Chouffe is made with Ardennes' water, so if you.ve got hard water you should soften it, possibly by cooking it.

Add the honey while the wort is still cooking, say 5 minutes before the end of the boil. MASHING


OG 1074, FG 1016. I ended up with 13 liter instead of 15 liters, but the results were satisfactory. It's not an exact clone of La Chouffe, but it comes close. To get even closer to the original, you could try dry-hopping or adding more aromahop (at the end of the boil) for the hoparoma. Perhaps the body too should be a little bit more pronounced, so try mashing at a higher temperature. I liked the beer as it was. Happy brewing!

Hoegaarden Witbier

Grain bill

WHO-GARDEN - recipe for 15 liters Hoegaarden
Ingredients 15 liter
Pilsener malt1500 g
Raw wheat300 g
Wheatflakes1000 g
Rolled Oats100 g
Barleyflakes50 g
According to Jan van Schaik in his great book (in Dutch unfortunately for all non-dutch speaking beerfreaks) "Groot Zelf Bierbrouwboek" (The Big homebrewbook) the original recipe for Hoegaarden witbier is as follows:

Ingredients Percentage
Pilsener malt50 %
Raw (unmalted) wheat40%
Oats10 %
Orangepeels (curacao)??
Goldings hop??

Hoegaarden Wit should have an OG if 1048 (12 Plato). Kent Goldings is used for the "sec"character and Saaz is used for the aroma. Michael Jackson suspected a third spice is used, perhaps 'komijnzaad' (Dutch) = cuminseed, I've received a tip not to use too much of this seed because it seems to give a cheesy result, try starting with a single (1) gram. The wort is fermented by two different strains of yeast, one for the primary fermentation, the other for the secondary (bottle-) fermentation. To each bottle a bit of glucose is added together with the second yeaststrain.


The first yeast which is used to ferment Hoegaarden Wit, I have no information about this first yeast. The second yeast however can be cultivated from a bottle of Hoegaarden (or perhaps even Celis' white if he took his yeaststrains with him).


The hops I used are 22 grams of Hallertau (boiled for 60 minutes) and 10 grams of Goldings (boiled for 30 minutes).


Hoegaarden makes use of spices as coreander and orangepeels. I used 15 grams freshly crushed whole coreanderseeds and a piece of orangepeel of about 6 grams. The coreander was boiled for 10 minutes, the peel for 7 minutes. Total boilingtime was 65 minutes.

I added the juice of 1 lemon to the mash to obtain a pH of about 5.2.


OG 1048, 14.5 liters. This batch produced a nice whitebeer, which certainly can compete with the Hoegaarden. It resembled the original quite a bit, but the hoparomas were somewhat more spicier than the original.

De Koninck

Grain bill

THE CONINK - recipe for 10 liters De Koninck
Ingredients 10 liter
Pilsener malt1400 g
Crystal malt150 g
Amber malt150 g
Orangepeels5 g

According to Michael Jackson, De Koninck uses a mixture of Pilsener- and Viennamalts. The first time i tried to brew De Koninck, I didn't have those available I used Pale- (7 EBC) and Crystal malt (Cara 150). This brew was a bit to thin (body), and the maltiness wasn't good either. So later on I brewed according to the recipe above.


The original De Koninck yeast is not available as a sediment in De Koninck bottles, however i used to cultivate it from a bottle, as the yeast was also used to ferment beers of the Amsterdam-based brewery '''t IJ". A Belgian Ale yeast from sources like Wyeast make a good choice.

If you don't know how to activate a bottle-yeast, try the following : "A primer on yeast culturing" by Brett Lindenbach.


The hops used for De Koninck are probably Saaz. For my brew however I used Goldings, which I like for its aroma, but Saaz are probably better to match the De Koninck objective.



The hops were added in three stages. I used a total of 25 gram Goldings, 9 of which boiled for 75 minutes, 8 for 50 minutes and the last 8 for 20-25 minutes. I used a piece of orangepeel (dried curacao-type) of about 5 grams, which boiled for about 20 minutes. Total boiling time was 75 minutes.


This beer was a nice Belgian Ale style beer. It's still not a De Koninck, but hey! I liked this one too. I prefer hoppy beers, and the De Koninck ale is a bit more yeasty tasting. This recipe makes beer of a kind-of hoppy smelling De Koninck style. Next time I'll use even more hops, as the bitterness in the mouth could be better.


Hobbybrewing by Jacques Bertens. The finest link for Dutch and Belgian brewers and others who comprehend the Dutch language.
Norm Pyle's Hop-FAQ edited by Glenn Tinseth
A primer on yeast culturing" by Brett Lindenbach.
. Go to Geocities homestead page!

Please mail me (English or Dutch) if you have any comments or if you've tried to brew POPERINGS HOMMELBIER (tried the first clone in 2003), which is one of my favorites :
Herman Holtrop h.e.holtrop@zonnet.nl

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