Abandon All Hope, Ye Who Enter Here

And Have a good Time

Hello, I am known as Bhudda. My real name is Chad, and this is my place. My intrests are very diverse, and you may be able to find a little information about anything here. First, I have listed the links that will pertain to those searching through NapaValley. Everything else has interested me at one time or another.

If you want to hear some music on this site GO to this site, to get the plugin for your browser!


Up In Smoke
Pipe and Pouch


Excite search engine
WEBCRAWLER - The only way to search
DILBERT - A Man's Business Man
GAMESPOT - A very nice game review/shareware stop.
MSNBC - The new MicroSoft/NBC news experience.


My Wife's Homepage
Beth - Well, friend and family, give it a good browse.

If you would like to have a link to your page or another page you like, E-mail me the link and we will see what we can do.

Donna, I love you baby!

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Friday, 09-Nov-01 14:31:49 PST

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You are number of January 18, 1999.

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