Ingredients          Measure      Amount
    Sugar                5 cups           1 kg
    Water                2 1/2 cups     600 ml
    Lemon juice          1 teaspoon        5 g
    Dry yeast            2 teaspoons   5 1/2 g
    Sugar                1 teaspoon        4 g
    Water                1/4 cup         60 ml
    All-purpose flour    2 1/4 cups      250 g
    Egg                  1 medium size    50 g
    Salt                 1/3 teaspoon      2 g                               
    Oil (absorbed
     during frying)      1/2 cup         100 g

Prepare syrup and set aside. Dissolve yeast and sugar in a bowl with warm water. Add 1/4 cup of flour. Mix until smooth. Cover and let stand for 20 minutes. Add rest of flour, egg and salt blending well. Beat for 7-8 minutes forming a thick sticky batter. Cover and let rise in a warm place about 30 minutes or until doubled. Heat oil in a frying kettle or deep fat fryer. Dip teaspoon into oil. Using oiled teaspoon drop 1 teaspoonful of thick batter into beated oil. Drop as many at a time as they can be turned easily while frying. Stir and turn lokmas constantly as they rise to surface. Brown until golden. Use a slotted spoon to remove as many at a time as possible; drain. Drop into cold syrup immediately. Let stand until lokmas absorb syrup. Remove from syrup and serve.

10 servings

Nutritive Value (Approx. per serving):

     Energy ........:  362 cal  Sodium ..........:    86 mg
     Protein .......:    3.7 g  Vitamin A .......:    24 iu
     Fat ...........:   10.8 g  Thiamin (Bl) ....:  0.04 mg
     Carbohydrate ..:   63.8 g  Riboflavin (B2)..:  0.06 mg
     Calcium .......:     7 mg  Niacin ..........:  0.46 mg
     Iron ..........:  0.46 mg  Vitamin C .......:     _ mg
     Phosphorus ....:    39 mg
     Zinc ..........:     O mg  Cholesterol .....:    25 mg
Regional characteristics:

It originates from the courts of Sultans. Same dessert is called "Izmir Lokmasi' in Izmir. It is very much favored in this part of the country. "Lokma" means "bite".

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