Thank you for signing my guestbook

Total: 19 guests

Name: Grace
Website: Grace's Home Away From Home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Hawaii
Time: 1997-04-02 21:14:00
Comments: Hi Shannon--Your page is making me very hungry!! :9 I think you did a great job! Come visit my page sometime, okay? *Grace*

Name: Girlie
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-03-24 11:05:00
Comments: Okay, okay! HERE I AM! You can quit picking on me now! *grin* You already know I think you are FABULOUS; why I should have to come here to repeat myself is beyond me....haha! Kidding aside, I like the work you have done here. A lot of terrific updates since the last time I stopped by (looking for my special "Cajun Water" recipe, which you still have yet to add, I see...*smirk*) Simba is very impressed (and you know how darn finicky she can be)!

Name: Cassidy (Holly)
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Manitoba, Canada
Time: 1997-03-20 12:42:00
Comments: Hey Shannon!!!! You know, now I'm hungry! I especially enjoyes the dessert section! *LOL* Good work! See you later, Cassidy p.s- I had a homepage....just can't remember where is it!

Name: Lily*
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maryland
Time: 1997-03-15 13:30:00
Comments: Hi sweet mountain boy! I know I promised to come by and sign your book and I did! Sorry it took me so long, but I had to wait for my puter to get fixed! Gotta go, see you around sugar!! Lily

Name: Julee
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: California
Time: 1997-03-09 08:57:00
Comments: Fantastic Job...WOW....I'm in awe.

Name: breanna
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Florida
Time: 1997-03-06 20:49:00
Comments: I'm very impressed with your page! You have some great food here wow made me hungry! Your are quite the chef! I intend to try many of these delious things myself! I'll let you know how they come out! Thanks breanna

Name: Sherry
Website: Rick Sherry and Jennifers Home
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Texas
Time: 1997-02-25 09:56:00
Comments: You have a really cool page. I am busy checking out your cookbook. Gonna share with friends. Gotta get back to it keep up the good work.

Name: Jeffrey M. Bland
Website: The New Buck Wheat Site
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Virginia Beach, VA USA
Time: 1997-02-24 01:45:00
Comments: Eh?

Name: Sara
Website: Sara's World
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Hawaii
Time: 1997-02-23 21:05:00
Comments: Neat page! Thanks for visiting me and signing my guestbook. I really like the format of your page.

Name: Alisa
Website: Alisa's Page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: CA
Time: 1997-02-23 19:21:00
Comments: I like your homepage! I might use the recepies! It's cool how you have so many! my grandma will like this page!

Name: Deneika Senior
Website: Deneika's Hot Spot!
Referred by: Word of Mouth
Time: 1997-02-23 18:14:00
Comments: Thank-you for putting up these pages! I found some recipes that I will most definetly try! :o)

Name: Sunset
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: NH
Time: 1997-02-09 08:53:00
Comments: Nice job Shannon!! A lot of work obviously went into this homepage just like your other homepage!! No one has to worry about thinking what to have to eat anymore, just come here!!!

Name: Jazzy
Website: Welcome to Jazzy's Place
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Houston
Time: 1997-02-08 07:27:00
Comments: Hi Shannon...some really nice improvements on the page...i really think frames will be my next step too...keep up the good work!...Jazzy

Name: Aspen
Website: Sheika's Treasures
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Colorado
Time: 1997-02-05 18:19:00
Comments: Okay, so I've signed your guest book...*S* Now what??? I'm looking forward to checking out some of your recipes, as cooking is my second passion!!!

Name: Shandi
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Ottawa Ontario
Time: 1997-02-04 13:48:00
Comments: you are the best Shannon and never change for anyone mind you. you can be a little stubborn at times *L* but i cherish your friendship and i hope we will always be friends !! all my love Shandi

Name: Erin
Website: Erin's page
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Canada
Time: 1997-02-04 06:47:00
Comments: Hey Shannon! Love the new page. I even used your lasagna recipe!! Yummy!

Name: sara
Website: Sara's Humble Homepage
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: georgia
Time: 1997-02-03 17:20:00
Comments: this is neat... signing this guest book.. i will have to get one also... oh well... i am glad you and cass are back together if you are.. i get so confused in there.. oh well.. good luck... i have to go now.. love your page.. it is good... makes mine look silly.. but just wait.. i will get a better one and blow you away.. *grin*... sara

Name: Rollo
Website: Rollo's homepage !
Referred by: Word of Mouth
From: Denmark !
Time: 1997-01-31 13:21:00
Comments: Damn What brilliant work you have done :o)!! I'm getting Hungry just reading The Recipies !!! See you around !! Rollo

Name: *SnowAngel*
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Maine:o)
Time: 1997-01-30 07:35:00
Comments: Hi Shannon...nice job...very impressive...I'm happy to see that all those years of school have paid off well..*L*...Can't wait to try some of your recipes...especially the little where is that recipe???See you soon..:o)

Total: 19 guests

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