Chef on the Net

Tips & Tricks

Garam Masala


Garam Masala

Indian spice


1 oz Cumin seeds
3/4 oz Black Cardamom seeds
3/4 oz Peppercorns
1/2 oz Green Cardamoms
1/2 oz Coriander seeds
1/2 oz Fennel seeds
1/4 oz Cloves
4 sticks Cinnamon
1/4 oz Mace
1/4 oz Black Cumin
1/4 oz Bay leaves
1 Nutmeg


Dry-grind all the ingredients and store in an airtight jar. This masala is very popular and is used to finish many Indian dishes.

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Home made cheese / Indian cottage cheese


In a saucepan boil 500 ml of milk. Do NOT use skimmed or lowfat milk. To the boiling milk add the juice of half a lemon or 3 tsp of vinegar. Immediately turn off the heat. The milk protein coagulates and separates from the watery part of milk. Strain the paneer so obtained through a muslin bag. Hang the bag in the refrigerator for an hour, keeping a bowl underneath to catch the drippings. You will get a semi hard product that is firm yet crumbly if pressed. This can be cut into any shape you wish.

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