Proper Acknowledgement of my Friends and People Who Owe Me Money:

Photo: Group picture of my actual friends. I'm the guy with the black and white striped shirt and blue jeans!

Group Photo

Alright, I have to make a confession. This picture was taken at a Halloween party, so they might not ALWAYS look this weird. I don't know what all the costumes are, and this is the only picture I could find of them. (As for my costume, I'm an undercover police officer.)

BONUS: These punks go to the Phoenix so often that they are actually in one of the "View the Phoenix" images. Look for PJME (standing to my left in above photo), Kostka (wearing blue and sitting down), and John (top right corner with the cap.) Hint: They're at the bottom right corner of the Phoenix picture.


The Mailing List of the DAMNED started off in May 1995, when my friends decided to reply to all recipients creating a positive feedback loop that in theory would reach a critical point were the number of messages waiting in our inbox would reach infinity. But while waiting for this to happen, we write back and forth about some of the most insane and inane topics known to man. Yes, we even have a homepage for the Mailing List of the DAMNED now. I don't know why Lizard Man put it in the Nashville section. Then again, why is this page in Napa Valley???

DAMNED-Xtrme is a branch of the MLOTD, which specializes in retro-spam. Basically, we send mass-mails BACK to spammers who send unsolicited e-mails to our accounts. To date, we have gotten at least 5 direct replies from ticked off spammers using language that I should not mention here. Others have cancelled there accounts, and most have had their inboxes filled up because of us.

The Sarnia Boys were a bunch of new recruits in the MLOTD. They were friends of Lizard Man's. It turned out that they were even more insane posters than the original DAMNED, thus out of annoyance, we booted them off to start their own group. I haven't heard from them since, but I assume they are up to their old tricks. Fear them.

The Mailing List of the DARNED is what I call my friends from UofT. Also referred to as the JJ Muggs friends, I have yet to find an appropriate nickname for them as a group. I've got a page for them, so you can check that out.


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