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The JJ Muggs Friends

The Ninth Circle System

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"Resistance is futile. We will assimulate your consciousness into our collective."


These are the punks who I play pool with at the Rivoli, play multiplayer games with at Networks, and who eat starch-filled meals with at JJ Muggs. They have been referred to as the JJ Muggs friends, the Mailing List of the DARNED, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, the HarBORG collective, and most frequently as "you punks!" Why are they called the HarBORG? Because they are all graduates from Harbord Collegiate Institute in Toronto, while the MLOTD are all graduates from Western Technical Commercial School. The links lead to their e-mail addresses, because the social deviants don't have any homepages. Freaks!

Warmonger is a complete bicycle freak. I'm sorry, but it's true. He can repair bikes, identify and assess their components while the bike is 10 metres away and moving, and if he weren't a die-hard atheist, he'd worship bikes are the creator of all things. He also likes to play Mechwarrior, X-wing, and any other games which utilizes the philosophy of "new technology should solely be used for the purposes of blasting the brains out of other people with new technology."

Bladesinger is a spiteful and evil Dungeon Master. Okay, given that I don't play role-playing games that often... I still think that sending a humble level-1 warrior (me) with a dinky longbow against a red Dragon and a giant Sandworm was a little unfair! (And shut up about my yellow dice, everybody! They're not ugly. They're just misunderstood.) He is also a bicycle freak, and an Anime/Manga junkie. (And shut up about the blue-haired people thing!) He cannot play pool if his life depended on it.

Thorn is quite good at pool. Good at 8-ball, good at 9-ball, good at snooker... He bought his own cue-stick, though he doesn't use it often. Don't let him shark you! Thorn is always wearing a black cap to protect that metal plate in his head (I'm kidding), and he collects action figures as a hobby. He's got other hobbies too, but I can't mention them here. Thorn also owns an abnormal amount of plush toys. Damn it Thorn, it's just not normal to have that much plush lying around... Think about the starving people in the Third World that don't have the plush toys that you're hoarding!

There is also Steve, the Harborg without a nickname, Fiona is the JJ Muggs friend who actually was an employee for JJ Muggs, and Peter (Lam, not Ernst or Kostka) who appears from time to time


The Ninth Circle System

First off, this is not some satanic cult that I have joined, though it would be hard to tell the difference at times. The TNCS is a computer bulletin board system that has been operating since... well, a long time. If you want to give it a call, the number is 905-848-6918. For you complete boneheads out there, you should know that you will have to call using a modem! It's a message based BBS, and I am fortunate enough to be the message co-sysop. That basically means that the message bases are under my tyranical control.

The Management:

Storm Falcon is the sysop of the BBS. Storm likes role-playing games and Sandman comics. There was a time when we'd be playing multiplayer Descent and Warcraft over the modem for hours. Good thing we grew out of that. (Or did we?) Then there's the second in command: the co-sysop Avatar. Avatar is also named Ray and he's just weird. Well, weird in a witty and funny way. No, not like me... worse!

The Members:

Koahtai is the technical wizard, and used to be sysop of Brain Dead (where he was known as Eagle1.) His link will lead you to his homepage. The last time I checked his homepage, it actually has the calculus poem that I wrote a long time ago. I do not write poetry often... In fact, DON'T check out his homepage. I don't want the word to get out that I have ever written a poem before.

The Genius also has a homepage. I believe it is based on Nintendo-64 information and other stuff. But check it out to make sure.

And this is a special plug for Froggy's homepage. It's called "Metal Mike's" and it's a resource for heavy metal fans everywhere! Check the page out, or fall victim to an amphibious assault team.

Others members of TNCS that are worthy of mention are the amphibious Kurmudgeon, the frippy Luna, the calculus whiz Nobody, the Star Wars fan Alpha, and the legendary South Going Zax. Geocities now has a guestbook feature which I am trying to figure out. It's a way of people, especially from the TNCS to leave messages here. So sign my guestbook, and leave a message for all to see.

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