

Nhson ton faiakvn thn onomazei o Omhros,sxeria nhson thn onomazan se pio proxwrhmenh epoxh, prin ton Omhro.Makrh,Ofeioyxos,Drepanh.
,merika apo ta polla onomata ths.Ayta ta onomata anaferontai kata toys proistorikoys kai mexri ta xronia toy OMHROY xronia.To 3akoysto basileio twn FAIAKWN ,to basileio toy NAYSI9OOY,o opoios odhghse toys Faiakes apo thn YPEREIA sthn KERKYRA kai egine o prwtos basileias twn yphkown toy sthn FAIAKIA.O gyos toy kai diadixos toy o 3akoystos basileias twn FAIAKWN o basileias ALKINOOS anaferetai polles fores apo ton OMHRO.Dikaios kai kalos sth dioikhsh toy topoy toy opws o pateras toy NAYSI9OOS egine 3akoystos se olo ton tote kosmo gia thn dikaiosynh toy kai thn ey8eithta kai o3yderkeia toy pneymatos toy.Filo3enhse ton IASONA otan htan se nearh hlhkia kai newtatos anebhke ston 9rono diadexomenos ton patera toy poy pe8ane.Se ghraia hlhkia anw ton 80 etwn ekybernoyse ton topo toy akomh kai filo3enhse ton polypa8o kai polymhxano basileia ths I8AKHS ton ODHSSEA.To basileio twn Faiakwn paremeine se akmh  apo to 2400 px mexri to 700px peripoy.Apo tote parhkmase kai t0 441 px katelhf8hke apo toy KORIN8IOYS. oi opoioi katelaban thn KERKYRA,FAIAKIA tote me arxhgo ton KORKH kai thn wnomasan KORKYRA.Ws KORKYRA paremeine mexri ta xronia toy XRISTOY.KATA TON 4o mx aiwna o xristianismos diado8hke sthn KORKYRA KAI KATA PARADOSH apo thn korh toy rwmaiou dioikhth h opoia ebaptisthke xristianh kai ephre to onoma KERKYRA,edwse kai to onoma ths sto nhsi kai apo KORKYRA wnomasthke KERKYRA.Prwteyoysa ths KORKYRA htan h perifhmh XERSOYPOLH phre to onomaths apo ton gyo toy KORKH o opoios ton synwdeye sthn ekstrateia toy sthn katalhpsh ths FAIAKIAS ton XERSEKRATH.HXERSOYPOLH katestrafhke apo toys GOT8OYS peripoy to 560 mx enw enas katastre ptikos seismos thn ereipwse,tote oi katoikoi afhsan thn ereipwmenh XERSOYPOLH kai gia na einai asfaleis apo tis epidromes twn diaforwn epidromewn apo thn 9alassa,Got8wn,pelasginwn kai Normandwn katefygan kai ektisan thn polh toys sto shmeio poy brisketai shmera to palaio enetiko froyrio,ston braxo me tis dyo koryfes.Apo tote to onoma ths KERKYRAS ginetai KORYFW kai paramenei mexri thn epoxh poy thn ephran katw apo thn prostasia toys oi ENETOI opote kai thn 3anaonwmasan KERKYRA kai to onoma ayto paramenei mexri shmera.Kata paradosh alloys wnomasthke KORFOY apo to KORYFW kat alloys wnomasthke apo toys dyo kolpoys ths ton kolpo twn KASTRADWN  ths shmerinhs GARITSAS kai toy kolpoy ta mpania toy ALEKOY. H pio swsth paradoxh einai h deyterh.Wnomasthke CORFU apo toys kolpoys CORFO sta latinika paraf9opa toy GOLFO,shmainei kolpos.Apo toys kolpoys KORFOUS wnomasthke KORFOYS onomasia poy diathreitai mexri shmera,oi katoikoi ths onomazontai akomh mexri shmera KORFIATES.Meta apo tosa onomata pleon einai gnwsth me to onoma pleon KERKYRA.
Ayth einai se liga logia h arxaia istoria ths KERKYRAS mexri shmera oson afora to onomaths.

O grapsas thn istopia ayth edhmosieyse to paron sto periodiko toy syllogoy twn ypallhlwn THS IONIKHS KAI LAIKHS TRAPEZAS ELLADAS,to periodiko ayto ferei to onoma EKFRASH.H dhmosieysh pragmatopoih8hke pri tessera peripoy xronia.O grafvn to paron yphr3e ypallhlos ths IONIKHS KAI LAIKHS TRAPEZHS kai twra einai synta3ioyxos.

psailas nikolaos
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8h parodos mhtropolitoy a8anasiou 11
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