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This is my first really intense colour project.
It is the first 4" of the back of my Mini Roman Blocks sweater.
Its from the book California Patches.
A Kaffe Fassett design.


Visit the Guest Gallery to see photos sent to me.
Persian Vest
The colours I picked.
Tapestry Leaf Jacket.
Gift mittens I made.
Yarn sample.
Blue colourway of
a Petunia jacket.

A knitting
Felted Tiger.

This is a picture of me in York Beach, Maine wearing a sweater I designed. Actually, it is taken while walking along Marginal Way which is a walkway that goes between Perkins Cove, Maine and Ogunquit, Maine.

The background is scanned from a fisherman knit sweater I made 26 years ago. My Mum helped talk me through it and it was the first complicated thing I ever attempted. I was 19.

I would like to scan pictures of your knitting to
showcase in the Guest Gallery. (for FREE). Email me for details.
You are visitor since 4:49 PM 12/15/96.

Visit my husband's BulletProof Page .

or visit

Steve and Michelle Plumb's page.
(My first link to some one else's page besides my husband!)

Well, actually you are visitor since 4:49 PM 12/15/96.

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last updated 10:29 PM 4/1/97.