
"Shello and Brickhouse, it's all good!"

"I sure feel good helping my community through the CPP!!"

Brewer: Golden State

Where?: Milwaukee, San Antonio, Tumwater (none of which are in the golden state!)

Alcoholic Content: Judging by its core popularity, I would guess pretty high.

Taste: Not bad, for malt liquor

Brickhouse has got to have one of the most entertaining bottles of any malt liquor. On the front, in addition to the graphics (the name is written like graffiti on a brick wall) there is the following little notice: "Respect yourself & the property of others. Keep the peace. Never drink & drive. Be responsible AT ALL TIMES"

Then, on the back of the label (you read it through the malt liquor inside the bottle) is the following little feel-good piece of civic duty: "to the people / from the people... For every can and bottle purchased, a portion of proceeds are put directly back into your community. South Central LA, Oakland, Compton, and others benefit from (CPP) COMMUNITY PARTNERS PROGRAM. BRICKHOUSE"

I swear I am not making any of this up.

Andy Nice poster huh?